If you want something badly enough, you will find a way. And if you don’t, you will find an excuse. It is amazing how many organizations are “stuck.” They are stuck in old patterns of thinking. They are stuck in the new training in which they’ve invested. They are stuck in the past. They are stuck with all kinds of new social media and marketing tools. They are stuck with a new salesperson they have hired.
Why settle for being stuck? In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, PPAI Expo presenter Ryan Sauers shares this advice on how to get unstuck.
Remember, if you want something bad enough you will find a way, and if you don’t you will find an excuse. The question is how bad do you want it?
Quite frankly, I hate excuses. My mindset is simple. My mantra is ‘Make it happen.’ Said other ways, “Suck it up, quit complaining, stop making excuses and bring some value to the table.” You see, leaders will find a way to succeed in any situation, whereas whiners will tell you all the things that are holding them back.
Here is my question: Are you more talented and creative than those with whom you compete? Do you want to lead or are you just along for the ride? Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
You have 168 hours in your week. 24×7. It is simple math. Whether you are part of a large or small company, you do not have any more or less time. Time is the great equalizer. Also, with the new social web we can connect with anyone on the globe at any time. I see this as an amazing opportunity for organizational growth (if done right). What do you do with your time? Do you focus on things that really matter … or are you in “paralysis by analysis” or “decision by indecision” mode?
Leaders embrace a “make it happen” mindset. Whiners do the opposite. I challenge you to be a leader and focus on making things happen. It is simple … plan your work and work your plan in a strategic manner. This will allow you to gain market share based on your creative planning, authenticity and passion.
Do you want to succeed bad enough to find a way or are you comfortable “hiding out” and making silly excuses? The choice is yours.
And, if you do not believe me then take it from this insightful source for proof. Yoda, our wise Star Wars friend, says “Do or do not. There is no try.” And what better time than a new year and a “new awakening of the Force” to #MakeThingsHappen?
Learn more from Ryan Sauers at two informative sessions at The PPAI Expo at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas:
From The Breakroom To The Boardroom: Everyone Plays A Role In Sales , Sunday, January 10 at 4:30 pm in Lagoon C
Would You Buy From You? Your Brand Makes The Difference, Monday January 11 at 8 am in Lagoon J.
Source: Ryan T. Sauers is president of Sauers Consulting Strategies working with printing, promotional products and related organizations across North America. Key focus areas include: sales growth, brand positioning, organizational strategy, and integrated marketing (emphasis on social media). Sauers is a national speaker and writes featured articles in global publications and blogs. He is also an adjunct university professor teaching leadership, communication and entrepreneurship to business leaders. Sauers is author of the best-selling books Everyone is in Sales and Would You Buy from You?