Promotions are not given lightly. Typically, you have to prove that you can do the job. It used to be that workers progressed along specific career paths during their careers, but the impact of technology, globalization and flatter organizational structures has changed that paradigm. Today, employees have to create and manage their own career paths. And remember that a promotion is not always an upward path. Sometimes, especially in today’s business environment, you may need to make a lateral move to position yourself for a later upward move.
How do you develop your promotion plan? Today and tomorrow, Promotional Consultant Today passes along these 10 strategies.
1. Develop Mentoring Relationships. One recent study found that in four out of five promotions, those promoted had a mentoring relationship with someone higher in the company who helped spread the good word about them. Some companies have formal mentoring programs, but even if your company does not, there are still ways you can build relationships with people in higher positions in the company. Mentors can also be great sources for information and career guidance.
2. Quantify Results. While promotions are not necessarily based on your past performance, you can certainly make a much better case for a promotion by showing detailed information about your past successes. Those who get results get ahead.
Keep a record of everything you do that enhances the company’s bottom line, that puts the company or your department in a good light, that is creative and innovative, and that shows your loyalty and commitment to the organization.
3. Practice Self-Promotion. We’re taught by our families that modesty is a virtue, but just as with job hunting, if no one knows how great you are, you simply won’t get ahead. Be a known quantity. If you have had major accomplishments or created new or award-winning programs, make sure people know about them—especially the people doing the promoting. Sell yourself—and let it be known that you are seeking a promotion.
4. Establish A Bond With Your Boss. It might help to think of your boss as one of those border guards between countries. She or he can either be raising the gate and waving you onward and upward to your next position within the company, or keeping the gate down and blocking you from any movement within the company. Use all opportunities to make your boss a key supporter of your promotion.
Use professional settings to seek counsel and emphasize your interest in staying with the company. Use performance appraisals not just to go over your accomplishments, but to talk with your boss about potential roadblocks to a promotion— and how to overcome those roadblocks.
5. Acquire New Knowledge And Skills. One of the best ways to succeed in getting a promotion is to expand your knowledge and skill sets in areas that are critical to the organization. As technology and other environmental forces change rapidly, you need an ever-increasing skill set not only to perform your job, but to stay marketable. So keep current with industry news and events as well as trends, even if it’s outside of your specialty.
Source: Dr. Randall S. Hansen is founder of Quintessential Careers, one of the oldest and most comprehensive career development sites on the Web, as well CEO of He is also founder of and and publisher of Quintessential Careers Press, including the Quintessential Careers electronic newsletter, QuintZine. Dr. Hansen is also a published author, with several books, chapters in books and hundreds of articles. He is also an educator, having taught at the college level for more than 15 years.