There’s a tug-of-war occurring on sales teams. On one side, numbers-driven sales managers view sales through a scientific lens. If their companies’ forecasted opportunities are continually slipping from one quarter to the next, they turn to analytics to create and enforce new processes that aim to increase the predictability of revenue.

The other side, some sales representatives look to sales as an art form. They prioritize the individual needs of each client, and they are hesitant to embrace arbitrary, one-size-fits-all processes that might distort the natural buying cycle.

When these two sides can’t see eye-to-eye on this topic, communication breaks down and sales goals are not met.

Today, Promotional Consultant Today introduces “The Mozart Model” and explains how this famous composer can influence your sales team today.

Making A Sales Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart started composing music when he was five years old, and in his 30-year career, he created 600-plus pieces of music. Even if Mozart was an artistic genius, there is no way he achieved that incredible level of productivity without adopting a predictable, repeatable process that enhanced his creativity and boosted his numbers.

Your sales staff can take this same approach by becoming “sales Mozarts” who embrace art and science in their day-to-day lives. How do you create a culture of both artistry and science in sales? Follow these key stages of development:

Stage 1: A Scientific Foundation. Regardless of a person’s experience level, everyone must begin with the science of selling. Start with the basics. Identify the proper forms your seller should complete, hardware to install, processes to follow and other key tasks to complete during a 30- to 90-day ramp-up period.

Stage 2: A Raised Awareness. Over time, abiding by science will make your sellers aware of what they don’t know, and your best employees will begin to dig deeply and work to further their awareness of your company and its sales mission. In other words, your best sellers will break from the pack and raise their knowledge, while your poorer performers will gravitate toward their comfort zones and mediocrity.

Playbooks on how to engage with customers will be your new sellers’ best friends at this stage. Also, your highest-performing sales teams should take lesser performing sellers under their wings and teach them the ins and outs such as identifying which techniques tend to work with target customers and which do not. New sellers may still feel nervous about flying solo on sales calls, but the sooner they take the plunge and make mistakes, the sooner they’ll be ready to succeed.

Stage 3: Second Nature. The science at this point becomes more like a virtual coach: It’s still there, but it’s seen as a trusty guide. Sellers no longer need heavy-handed training; rather, they need gentle nudges of opportunity-specific guidance. Technology integrated into the seller’s CRM can easily serve up some coaching via video examples or quick reminders of assets to use with customers.

Stage 4: Unleashing Your Inner Mozart. Finally, the rigor and structure of science will begin to fall away. It will become an internalized and natural part of life. The seller, now a continual, predictable revenue generator, has fully released his or her inner artist and become a full-fledged sales Mozart. You’ve reached the final stage: unconscious competence.

The trick with this final stage is to never fully disengage with your sales Mozarts. Always keep in mind that your company, your competitors and the market are continually evolving, and you should constantly be launching new revenue initiatives that impact your sellers. These could include new products, new go-to market strategies, mergers and acquisitions, or simply new messaging.

Ready to make some music in sales? Develop a team of Mozarts!

Source: Jason Keever is the U.K. manager of SAVO, a high-growth SaaS software provider. He’s tasked with launching, growing and managing SAVO’s EMEA operations. Previously, he was a top-performing sales rep and a repetitive member of SAVO’s President’s Club.