We’ve all experienced rejection in the workplace. You work for hours, weeks on end, to prepare the perfect presentation and pitch for new business, only to be turned down. Or perhaps, due to lack of confidence, you sabotage your own efforts before the future customer has even made a judgement or decision.
In yesterday’s issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we turned to a key tip from speaker Joe Curcillo on how to close the deal. He said to begin with mental preparation. In other words, be mentally ready to close the deal.
Today, we share two more deal-closing strategies from Curcillo.
Be adaptable in your presentation. Adaptability is your ability to relate to the prospect or prospects. It is being able to communicate and be understood while keeping both your integrity and objectives intact. The last thing you want to do is sound like a con man. Con men are always ready for what’s in it for them. They will talk circles and bring it back to their own needs and wants. A good closer knows how to keep the focus on the prospect and answer their wants and needs. You have to be able to identify with the prospect, and the prospect must be able to identify with you.
- Maintain consistency in your actions and speech so the true you will shine through.
- Address all of the highlights of your product or service to remind them of your efforts to answer their questions.
- Anticipate their challenges and address them truthfully and honestly with the agility of a prizefighter in the boxing ring.
Timing is everything. Make sure your prospect is ready to close before you ask for the order. It is essential that you paid attention to the reaction of those in the room throughout your presentation. Whether it is one person or several, you must be sure that they’re comfortable with what you are selling. You must make sure they’re comfortable with you. Your ability to anticipate and address their questions will give you a feel for their comfort level and their readiness to give you a “Yes”.
Sometimes, a trial close is the best option. For instance, you may turn the question or mission on them to see if they understand the importance of your product. Or, you may ask them if they see how their business will be advanced with the use of your service. Whether they hesitate or acquiesce will let you know whether you’re ready to move forward with an ask, or if it is necessary for you to provide more information before doing so.
Consider whether you have addressed all of the areas of objection in your closing.
- Have you established trust?
- Have you financially qualified your prospect to be sure they can afford your service?
- Have you provided them all of the positive information they need?
- Have you provided them a comfort level so that they’re ready to make a positive change to their business?
Get the Yes! In the end, you can only win if they win. You want to create a win-win situation. Most prospects don’t truly care whether or not you win.
As long as they trust you and believe in your product or service, they will be in a better position to determine whether or not their business can be enhanced by your request for the sale. Have you convinced them that you have their best interests at heart, that your interest is sincere and that you understand enough about their business so when you tell them they need you, they can’t help but agree?
Finally, are you as confident in hearing “Yes” as you are in hearing “No?” If you’re ready to walk out the door happy with either answer, you have the confidence to make the sale. Likewise, that confidence will shine through and will go a long way to getting you the “Yes” that you desire.
Source: Joe Curcillo, The Mindshark, is a speaker, entertainer, lawyer and communications expert. As an adjunct professor at Widener University School of Law, Curcillo developed a hands-on course, based on the use of storytelling as a persuasive weapon. He has been a professional entertainer helping corporations and associations improve their communication techniques since 1979.