Top sales professionals typically are successful not because of the company they work for, but because of the skills they bring to the job. In other words, a top sales professional at one company will most likely be successful again at another company. Just like other professions, that salesperson has specific sales skills that he or she has developed and will use no matter the organization.

In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share these tips from Adam Honig, co-founder and CEO of Spiro Technologies, on 10 things that successful salespeople do every day.

1. They keep moving forward. Successful salespeople move forward no matter what happens, good or bad. They don’t stop and celebrate every little success since they know that consistent effort is the only thing that will make them a lot of money.

2. They focus on one person at a time. The best salespeople don’t rush to get off the phone with a prospect, or move onto the next deal until they’ve made the person in front of them feel like they’ve been heard. They make sure that whoever they’re talking to gets their absolute undivided attention.

3. They plan their day. Successful salespeople are organized. They plan out their day with structure, yet they are flexible and adaptable for whatever surprises might come up.

4. They look for opportunities everywhere. The best salespeople know that opportunities are found outside of normal lead sources, and they look for them wherever they exist. They know that relying on standard methods of prospecting will get standard results and adjust accordingly.

5. They see the upside. The cream of the crop focus on opportunities, not obstacles, and always think their best days are around the corner. They don’t get easily dejected, but rather look for the positive in every situation.

6. They learn from their mistakes. The best salespeople never make the same mistake twice. While they are willing to try different methods, if the pitch doesn’t work, they adjust it. If the leads are bad, they adjust the lead source.

7. They focus only on what matters. Those who are successful in sales know how to prioritize their time and attention. You can’t be everything to everyone, and the best salespeople only spend time doing things that get them closer to their goals. They don’t waste time with unqualified prospects, and they don’t procrastinate—they only focus on what matters.

8. They make time for themselves. A common misconception among salespeople is that 100 percent of their waking hours should be spent working. This is both absurd and counterproductive. If you’re not well-rested and don’t give yourself time to unwind, you’ll simply burn out and won’t be doing yourself or your sales goals any favors. Salespeople who succeed know how to balance this by doing things like getting enough sleep.

9. They set daily goals. Everyone in sales sets monthly or quarterly goals, but the best salespeople break those down into smaller daily and sometimes even hourly goals. This simplifies the goals and makes the bigger ones more attainable.

10. They ask themselves how they can help their customers. Successful salespeople have figured out how to keep the most important question a salesperson can possibly understand in their mind at all times: How can I help my customer?

Want more successful sales tips? Read PCT again tomorrow.

Source: Adam Honig is co-founder and CEO of Spiro Technologies. He is a natural sales leader with a mission to help salespeople make more money using artificial intelligence-or any sort of intelligence for that matter. Honig has founded four companies which resulted in two triumphant IPOs and two legendary mergers. He is best known for speaking at various conferences including Dreamforce, for pioneering the ‘No Jerks’ hiring model, and for flying his drone while traveling the world.