All managers want their employees to perform at their best. However, different mangers take different approaches to get there. While some bosses might like to take a commandeering, authoritative approach, the smartest leaders know that creating positive experiences is far more efficient.
David Sturt and Todd Nordstrom, researchers at the O.C. Tanner Institute, say that workplaces that provide great employee experiences are three times less likely to have layoffs, eight times more likely to have incidences of great work and 13 times more likely to have highly engaged employees.
New research shows that positive or “peak” moments in an employee’s experience at work affect their perspective of their employee experience company and work for about four weeks, while negative or “valley” experiences only affect their perspective for about two weeks.
Negative experiences might keep employees on their toes, but positive or peak moments will keep them on their toes longer—and moving in the right direction.
In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share their thoughts on how to create more positive experiences for employees.
Don’t clump. Everyone is different and deserves to be treated as such. Just because a group of employees might share similar titles, working conditions and salaries does not mean they view their work experience the same, note Sturt and Nordstrom. Make a point to actively listen to each employee.
Always be on burn-notice. Employee burnout is a real thing. Look for aspects of your leadership style or culture that might be depleting employees of their energy and enthusiasm. Nordstrom and Sturt encourage leaders to try to eliminate those things first and then look for ways to ignite their energy—through engaging projects, proper recognition and utter gratitude.
Get in their face. Sturt and Nordstrom understand this point is often viewed negatively. But research also shows how powerful one-to-one conversations are with employees. So, make ‘getting-in-their-face’ for positive interaction a common and purposeful practice of yours as a leader.
Think about safety differently. While many professionals don’t work for companies where physical injury is common, as a leader it’s your job to mitigate any circumstance that might make an employee feel psychologically unsafe. Sincerely consider this point. If any employee feels psychologically unsafe at your place of work, it’ll be awfully difficult for anyone to feel a peak moment.
As a leader, you might not think you have time to consider every employee’s experience on the job. However, research shows that employee experience matters more than ever. That’s why many organizations around the globe are focusing more on influencing peak and valley moments in their workers’ lives. If you talk often about customer experience, consider giving more thought to employee experience. Your team members—and your customers—will benefit from the effort.
Source: David Sturt and Todd Nordstrom are researchers, consultants and authors inside the O.C. Tanner Institute. Sturt is author of Great Work: How To Make A Difference People Love. Nordstrom is director of institute content. The two consult with leaders and speak at leadership conferences around the world.