In turbulent times, it’s not easy for sales managers to navigate the way forward. Everyone is struggling under the same worry and fear of the unknown. However, amid a storm, leaders must be able to rely on their team members to continue to deliver. The success of an individual team and an entire organization rely on everyone doing their part, even in a crisis.

While you might not be thinking about those sales reps who continued to be highly engaged during the past months of COVID-19, you should take note of the employees who rose to the occasion. John Baldoni, an author, keynote speaker and executive coach, says the best leaders look beyond survival mode and spotlight the employees who continue to make things happen, even during challenging times.

In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share Baldoni’s thoughts on what to look for in your team as the world adapts to life during a pandemic.

Out-of-the-box thinking. In the current global climate, now is not the time for conventional thinking. You need fresh insight and new ideas. Is there someone on your team who always seems to look at data differently than everyone else? Maybe they see patterns and can make projections that prove helpful. Baldoni says that when the world is turned upside down, leaders must recognize the thinkers who construct ideas by joining concepts from different disciplines.

Critical thinking. To steer ahead through a storm, leaders must be able to think strategically. The best sales professionals should also be able to reason with precision and propose solutions that address problems, notes Baldoni.

Quiet leadership. Teams need introverts and extroverts to thrive. While extroverts often get the spotlight, Baldoni advises leaders to look at what the introverts on their team have quietly achieved over the past couple of months. Who are the reps on your team who have continued to push forward without calling attention to themselves? Remember those people.

Confidence. The best leaders exude confidence—in themselves and in their colleagues. Throughout the crisis, who has demonstrated unwavering confidence? How has this person inspired others to want to follow their lead? Baldoni says it’s important to look for confidence in your team members because people feel good about following confident leaders.

A spirit of teamwork. Leaders must know how their actions affect others. That’s why a team ethos is so important, especially during seasons of uncertainty. No one knows what the future holds or how business will look as the world adapts to the coronavirus. When you’re looking at your sales team, take note of those individuals who work to create camaraderie and teamwork.

Trustworthiness. Baldoni encourages leaders to consider their employees who always pull through. Who are the people you can count on for their reliability and expertise? Do others look to them as a trusted resource? Don’t overlook these trustworthy team members and be sure to acknowledge their valuable contributions.

While you may have hired your team members for specific sales traits, you should also notice how their other traits have shone through in the past couple of months. When you look for traits such as confidence, leadership, and a commitment to the overall team, you know you have assembled a team that is poised to adapt to any challenge.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers

Source: John Baldoni is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and executive coach who provides his services via video conference. Baldoni has written 14 books, including MOXIE: The Secret to Bold and Gutsy Leadership and GRACE: A Leader’s Guide to a Better Us.