Just like you, your clients and prospects have much on their minds. With the pandemic and the shaky economy, they are likely not fully focused on your message. To add an additional challenge, your clients and prospects probably find it more difficult to absorb the key takeaways you want to impart during your conversations. Watching someone on a screen is not the same as sitting across from them at a coffee shop or in an office.
That’s why Dr. Nick Morgan, a leading communications theorist and coach, advises sales professionals to adjust their pitch to adapt to current times. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share Dr. Morgan’s tips on how sales professionals can make a big impact when presenting a sales pitch virtually.
Take 10-second breaks. According to Dr. Morgan, it’s important to work in small breaks. He says that research shows that taking frequent short breaks to consolidate memories works better than simply restating what you want your audience to learn. Use the breaks to encourage your clients and prospects to remember specific points you mentioned.
Give a taste of the information. Rather than sharing a deluge of details all at once, Dr. Morgan recommends introducing a few key concepts and returning to them later in more detail.
Never overhype the rewards. As a sales professional, you may be tempted to oversell the rewards of working with you or choosing a specific product. Dr. Morgan advises against this to avoid the disappointment if the rewards do not turn out as great as you promised.
Encourage your audience to write notes. When you are speaking with a customer or prospect on a video call, invite them to take notes by hand. Dr. Morgan says this activates different parts of the brain and creates stronger, more positive memories.
Rehearse important takeaways from different perspectives. Instead of repeating something you said, try saying it in a different way or from a different perspective and then get your audience to play along. Dr. Morgan says the key is to get your audience firing groups of neurons to increase the likelihood that they will remember what you want to teach them.
Encourage your audience to look in a certain direction. It may sound unusual, but Dr. Morgan says that when you have your audience deliberately look up or down or left or right, you can help them remember what you say.
Tell your audience to make a fierce face. Here’s another unconventional but useful tip: Ask your audience to make a determined glare while they listen to your presentation. He says when you adopt a fierce face, you can improve your performance on some mental tasks by as much as 20 percent.
By using the techniques above, you can help your clients and prospects better focus during your presentations. Even though they may be distracted by external factors, you can take steps to improve your chances of building the relationship and making the sale.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Dr. Nick Morgan is one of America’s top communication theorists and coaches. A passionate teacher, he is committed to helping people find clarity in their thinking and ideas. Dr. Morgan has been commissioned by Fortune 50 companies to write for many CEOs and presidents.