Sales collateral includes any type of material to help boost the sales process, from case studies and one-pagers to FAQ sheets and competitor comparisons. Sales professionals can use sales collateral to convince potential buyers of the solutions they offer and to back up their sales pitch.
According to Jenny Keohane, a content marketing specialist at Yesware, sales collateral can help support the sales process by providing buyers the right information at the right time. Not to be confused with marketing collateral, which can include blogs, e-books, white papers and more, sales collateral should drive the buyer to make a decision and should be personalized to each prospect.
In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we discuss Keohane’s thoughts on what makes the best sales collateral.
1. Builds trust. Buyers work with people they know, like and trust. Sales collateral is an important way to help develop that trust. Through your materials, you can showcase information that helps answer the buyer’s questions. When you personalize the collateral, you help show that you are committed to solving their problem and providing value. Keohane adds that you should always be sure the information you provide in your sales collateral is factual and truthful. You do not want to tarnish your credibility and risk losing the sale by being less than honest.
2. Aligns with the buyer’s journey. Make sure you know where the prospect is on their customer journey. This allows you to meet them where they are with appropriate information. Are they gathering initial details or feeling out you and your company? Or are they ready to buy today? Keohane says you should typically share sales collateral during the consideration and decision stage. When it’s time to send, you should be sure that your sales collateral is easy to access and read. You don’t want to have your prospect experience difficulty opening a document or downloading a file. A good best practice is alerting the buyer in advance that you are sending something useful their way.
3. Provides value. Keohane notes that sales collateral should always add value for your prospect. Consider their specific needs, concerns and pain points and customize collateral accordingly. If you send the same collateral to all your clients, you likely aren’t serving them well. Make sure you send sales collateral that focuses on the conversation you shared. For example, she says that if the buyer mentioned a competitor, be sure to create a competitor comparison sheet. Help guide them on their decision to buy from you.
When you log onto meeting with buyers, make sure you and your sales team have the right sales collateral. Whether you bring a report or a product video, your sales collateral will help contextualize your conversation and answer any concerns. The goal is to engage and persuade your prospects to close the deal, so use your sales collateral wisely.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Jenny Keohane is a content marketing specialist at Yesware, a sales productivity platform.