There are countless ways to become a better leader. One study from Gallup found that great bosses tend to foster open communication and complete transparency. They let productivity drive their decisions and motivate their employees with a compelling mission and vision. The best leaders also foster a culture of accountability.
Lolly Daskal, a world-renowned leadership coach, consultant, speaker and author, says that great leaders understand that truly great leadership is about building people up, trusting and empowering them to give their best for a shared goal. For ideas on how to do this, keep reading this issue of Promotional Consultant Today. We outline Daskal’s top ideas for how leaders can show up in the best way for their employees.
1. Lead the way. Providing direction is literally the charge of a leader, Daskal says, so know where your team is headed. Then you can create a strategy and move forward on the plan.
2. Commit to continual development. Leaders should invest in personal development, but they should also ensure their team members have access to resources and training. Daskal recommends helping them identify room for advancement and developing their skills. Show them how they can take on the next big project or reach the next level. You can provide challenges and opportunities best when you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your employees, she says.
3. Outline priorities. When too many projects or requests remain open-ended, workflows can get messy, and people may not know which item to tackle first. That’s why Daskal says it’s important to let your team know what they should focus on.
4. Believe in your team. This is one of the top ways you can bring out the best in each employee. When you show confidence in their skills and abilities, you show your team members that you believe they can do the job and do it well. Always show your confidence and conviction, Daskal says.
5. Recognize your team’s strengths. When you know where your employees shine, let them know. This is a huge motivator. Daskal says that great leaders can often quickly spot the skills and expertise of their team members, so look for the greatness on your team.
6. Collaborate with your employees. One of leadership’s key skills is being able to forge strong relationships. To help your team, work on collaborating more. This can increase trust and transparency, which Daskal says is at the core of effective teams.
7. Empower your team. Let your employees know you trust them to do their job and encourage them to share their ideas and opinions.
8. Communicate often. Daskal says that communication is crucial to a successful and dynamic team. Don’t leave your employees guessing — make sure everyone has the information they need.
9. Keep an upbeat attitude. No one wants to work with someone who is pessimistic or overly critical. Smile and have fun with your team. And remember that fun and hard work aren’t mutually exclusive, Daskal says.
Strong leaders know they are only as good as their team. If you work in a leadership role, consider the points above to help your team become more successful.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Lolly Daskal is founder of Lead from Within, a global leadership, executive coaching and consulting firm. She’s also a leadership coach, consultant, facilitator, speaker and author.