Fourth in a series
The opening keynote speaker at The PPAI Expo 2022, Simon T. Bailey will share his experienced approach to customer relations and personal growth with PPB all year.
Often, we think consistency is just about doing things again and again until we see results. However, if you’ve ever been in a rut, you know practice does not always make perfect. So why do we struggle so much to get it right?
To really see movement in your life, you have to learn how to create a consistency cocktail. Consistency is made up of three key ingredients. And like any good cocktail, the ingredients are not necessarily to be used in equal amounts. This is the mixture that will allow you to finally achieve consistency in your life, build equity in relationships, and open doors to the opportunities you’re looking for in your promotional products business.
This first ingredient makes up the largest part of your cocktail. “Walking your talk” describes the little steps you take throughout the day that breathe life into your values. It’s not enough just to say that you have values. How do you live them out in the small moments that make up your day? Customers notice.
One of my core values is caring for the least, the last, and the forgotten. That shapes how I talk to people, what projects I accept, and the way I invest my money. Your walk will allow you to turn against popular opinion and show up consistently each and every day.
Constantly reminding yourself of the meaning (the why) behind your actions (the what) will allow you to power through even when you’re tired, stressed out, or unmotivated. These days I am more consistent with my health than I have ever been. That’s because I am more connected with my why: I want to live for a long time for my children and for their children, not because I want to look good in photos or on camera. Once you make this mental shift, you can find that automation you’re looking for. You stop tripping over the action you’re taking and keep your focus on the bullseye.
This is the ingredient that brings it all together, and you need just a pinch. Consistency without disruption is simply a routine.
Disruption means moving from doing it the way you’ve always done it so you can stay on the cutting edge. I am a huge believer in conducting a self-review every 90 days. That period of time is long enough to make sure you’re not jumping around from goal to goal, but it comes at a regular enough interval to keep you from getting into a rut.
During your self-review, ask yourself some basic questions such as what have been my major successes in the past three months? How have I moved forward? Am I still moving in the direction I want to go? Is there a better way to do things?
Mixed correctly, this consistency cocktail will allow you to develop confidence and become purposeful with how you use your time and energy.
BEST Coolie.
BEST Promotions USA / PPAI 461689, S4 /
Olympus 20 oz. Stainless Steel PP Tumbler.
Ariel Premium Supply / PPAI 161650, S11 /
Metal Pen.
Goldstar / PPAI 114031, S10 /
YETI Rambler 20oz.
Diamondback Branding / PPAI 655170, S6 /
Stress Ball.
Ariel Premium Supply / PPAI 161650, S11 /
Bailey has more than 30 years of experience in hospitality. The former sales director for Disney Institute, he is a prolific author and hall of fame keynote speaker. Learn more at