
As its PPB Volunteers of the Month for January 2016, PPAI recognizes the volunteers who completed their service at The PPAI Expo 2016. These individuals have dedicated their time to the progress and fulfilling the charge of a committee, advisory group, work group or task force on which they serve.

During their terms on a PPAI committee or advisory group, volunteers always arrive at Expo a day early and participate in a full day of activities as well as a number of conference calls and email communications throughout the year. These volunteers not only invest their time and resources on behalf of PPAI and the promotional products industry, they also help ensure their success going forward.

PPAI has an ongoing commitment to its volunteers and is grateful for their local, regional and national contributions. They have contributed alongside PPAI staff to ensure that the Association’s projects and events are a success, and without them, many of the programs PPAI has today would still be in their infancy. Year after year, volunteers prove to be the heart of PPAI.

As outlined in the PPAI Governance Policies & Procedures, committee and advisory group rosters require new volunteer assignments on an annual basis. The process for 2017 assignments will begin this spring. Unassigned volunteers will be asked to review their existing volunteer personal profile and update as appropriate. While a volunteer’s continued involvement is important to PPAI, the Association is acutely aware that business demands do change and with that, availability may as well. Each current committee member will be asked about his/her interest and availability to continue to serve. Industry professionals interested in serving in a leadership capacity on a PPAI committee or advisory group can confirm their desired level of involvement by updating their personal profile on Volunteer Central.

PPAI is looking for the next PPB Volunteer of the month. The Association is looking for someone who:

  • Is a current member of a committee, task force or advisory group
  • Demonstrates an exemplary level of volunteer contribution
  • Is a positive example to others
  • Contributes in a constructive and positive way to volunteer activities
  • Collaborates well with others
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the topics and work
  • Presents a positive influence during interaction with a group

Nominations may be submitted by current members of a committee, advisory group, work group or task force, as well as by PPAI board members or PPAI current staff. The nominations will be forwarded to PPB magazine. Those selected for inclusion as PPB Volunteer of the Month will be announced and featured in a PPAI publication as well as the quarterly Volunteer Newsletter. Nominations open the first of each month and close on the 15th. To nominate a current volunteer, complete the nomination form here.