Industry suppliers Alpi International (PPAI 111221) and BEL Promo (PPAI 362224) have lent their support to professional development and the success of the promotional products industry through higher education with pledges to the Promotional Products Education Foundation (PPEF) Tomorrow Fund. Alpi International has pledged $10,000 to the fund over 10 years and BEL Promo has pledged $6,000 over six years.

The Tomorrow Fund was created 16 years ago as a way to ensure ongoing funding and support of PPEF scholarship programs, which promote education and achievement within the promotional products industry.

“Alpi has many faithful employees who have learned to love the industry and enjoy their commitment to it,” says Francesco Indrio, president of Alpi International. “I felt compelled to contribute to a deserving cause that could eventually come back home to the advantage of children of our own employees. I also like the creative part of education and think that new, young blood will be important for the big changes that are continuing to happen.”

Alan Tabasky, vice president and general manager at BEL Promo, says, “Education is very important to BEL Promo and the advancement of the industry for many reasons—we believe in the value of education and continual learning. Technology is moving at such a fast pace, we see it changing and evolving all around us, every day. Our young people, as well as those like myself—not as young–need to embrace higher education and continually learn and adapt to the changes in our industry and in our society. Education is the bridge to help accomplish this.”

Funded by PPAI and donations from the promotional products industry, the scholarship program enables youth and professionals to continue their education on a collegiate level. The Association and industry patrons have a long-standing commitment of service to the promotional products industry, and this fund supports those who demonstrate the same commitment.

In 2016, PPEF awarded $150,000 in academic scholarships, and since its inception in 1989 it has awarded more than $1.56 million in financial assistance to 926 recipients. The program will award $175,000 in scholarships for the 2017-2018 school year.