In 2018, PPAI will celebrate 60 years of recognizing the outstanding work of member companies with its Pyramid Awards. First introduced in 1958, the PPAI Pyramid Award recognizes promotional products businesses and helps shine the spotlight on innovative and outstanding promotional campaigns and programs.

To mark the milestone, PPAI is launching an all-encompassing rebrand of the PPAI Pyramid Award. The awards now incorporate previous award categories including the Suppliers Achievement, Technology, Image and Star competitions. Pyramid Award winners will be honored at The PPAI Expo Awards Presentation & Reception on January 16, 2018 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in conjunction with Expo 2018, January 14-18 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Pyramid award competition categories are as follows:


  • Client Program Entries
  • Marketing Entries
  • Technology Entries


  • Decorating/Product Development (formerly known as Suppliers Achievement)
  • Marketing (formerly known as Image Awards)
  • Technology

Regional Association

  • Client Programs
  • Marketing
  • Technology

Business Service / Multi-Line Rep

  • Marketing
  • Technology

The submission deadline for the new PPAI Pyramid Awards competition is July 14, 2017. Entries submitted between now and June 30 are eligible for an early-bird discount. Detailed Pyramid Awards submission competition categories and requirements can be found here.

A judging panel will judge each category based on the criteria and points values provided. All submitted entries are judged individually based on how well they deliver the required elements.

Member companies do not compete against each other but earn points solely on the merit of each of their own entries. Winners are selected by a panel of industry professionals and independent, outside marketing and advertising professionals. For more information about the PPAI awards program, visit or contact the PPAI Awards and Recognition department at