PPAI’s Product Responsibility Summit 2021 Direct-2-You (D2U) begins next week. Running August 16-19, the virtual event features education focused on the most-pressing business implications, challenges and opportunities associated with compliance, presented by industry thought leaders, subject matter experts and leaders in compliance.
Over the course of four days, Summit’s agenda examines a wide range of issues and subjects relevant to product responsibility professionals. These include eliminating forced labor in the supply chain, Prop 65, standards of care, recycling and sustainability reports, restricted substances, logistics challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and recall readiness, among others. Each day’s schedule also includes roundtable chats, giving participants opportunities to connect in small groups on issues relevant to them.
Speakers at Summit are drawn from across the promotional products industry and the regulatory and compliance field. On August 19, Consumer Product Safety Commission Acting Chair Robert Adler will join Summit to share an update on the current priorities of the Federal agency.
On August 20, PPAI is holding a new event in conjunction with Summit, Logistics Day Direct-2-You. The standalone event offers education focused on the logistics of importing in today’s world and discusses the challenges and pitfalls of international shipping along with best practices to move forward. For more information and to register for Logistics Day, click here.
For more information on Product Responsibility Summit 2021 Direct-2-You and to register, click here.