Do you have dead leads sitting around in your sales pipeline? Don’t give up on them. They may have gone cold in the past because they were contacted in the wrong way. Maybe they prefer email over phone calls or social media outreach. Or it could just be that the timing wasn’t right.

Whatever the case may be, don’t automatically dismiss dead leads. Content writer Kent Cañas contributed a post for the Fill blog that explains some actionable ways you can re-engage old leads. Keep reading this issue of PromoPro Daily for some ideas on how to spark their interest once again.

  1. Pique their interest. Dead leads were interested once, and now you need to capture their attention again. This might mean sharing a sneak peek of new promos or highlighting new case studies. Cañas advises against sending generic emails, instead getting creative when you want to reconnect.
  2. Evoke some FOMO. It’s OK to make them feel like they’re missing out on something. If you’re currently running a campaign, don’t leave those dead leads behind. Include them in your messages and consider enticing them with an exclusive offer that makes it hard to resist. Cañas suggests designing your email campaigns in a way that recipients have to act upon the offer immediately.
  3. Give them promo. Remind old leads about the power of promo. Surprise them with branded merch or host a mini event or contest with promo for the winners. Cañas says exclusive gifts also serve as great lead magnets.
  4. Provide them with valuable resources. Reviving dead leads takes some work. You can’t just email them and ask them to buy from you. Instead, you need to offer something appealing to them. Cañas says this could include free courses, product buying guides or tutorials. When sharing content as a valuable resource, she recommends always keeping their best interests in mind.
  5. Make it personal. It’s a continuous process to re-engage with old leads. Even so, you shouldn’t resort to mass emails or clickbait content, Cañas says. Make recipients feel valued and acknowledged by sending emails from scratch rather than automated messages. Your emails don’t need to be lengthy, but they should be personalized to each recipient. What matters is getting their attention, Cañas says.

Every lead could turn out to be a valuable opportunity. Consider the pointers above to breathe new life into leads that may have gone cold. 

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Kent Cañas is a content writer who contributes for Fill, a web and mobile application for creating, managing and signing documents online.