If the Starbucks line outside of The PPAI Expo 2024 was a little too long for some attendees Tuesday morning, then Alex Weber, professional speaker and former contestant and host of NBC’s American Ninja Warrior, likely jolted them awake with his 8:30 a.m. session.

  • Weber’s session, titled “The Unstoppable You,” ended just as the doors of the trade floor officially opened for The PPAI Expo 2024, giving guests some extra motivation to advance their business and make meaningful connections over the following three days.


An Achiever Motivator

Weber’s presentation style doesn’t bring to mind a drill sergeant or an NFL football coach. Instead, he provides a graceful and humble story about his own life, complete with the rewards of pursuit through challenges (along with the regrets over giving up).

His background is full of achievement:

  • He went from on-camera host of American Ninja Warrior to one of the show’s competitors.
  • He is one of the youngest coaches ever to win U.S. Lacrosse Coach of the Year.
  • A career as an international speaker and communicator has paired with his book, Fail Proof: Become The Unstoppable You.

Attendees saw videos showcasing the grueling training required of the upbeat Weber as he prepared to compete on American Ninja Warrior, which requires skill, strength and endurance.

  • More than physical feats, however, Weber focused on positive mindsets for achievement.
  • He also shared with the crowd inspiring and heartbreaking stories, including his mother’s battle. The two supported each other in their respective challenges, motivated by the opportunity to better enjoy the good times by persevering through the struggles.

‘What Could This Be…?’

Much of Weber’s ethos revolved around the importance of refusing to let yourself down.

  • Achievement is based on what you know you’re capable of more than it is anyone else’s expectations for you.

“You are always with you, when the busy, hectic world goes quiet at night, we will know one truth: We either gave in to the regrets, fear, the world, or we committed to the vow to always stand by you,” Weber says.

Weber also gave practical advice for the type of mindset that can help one get the most out of an experience like The PPAI Expo 2024. Two people focused on committing to the version of themselves they believe in can work together in exciting ways. They just have to ask one question, according to Weber.

“What could this be?” Weber asks hypothetically. “It’s such an empowering question, because whoever we’re asking it to can answer with whatever matters most to them.”

  • He also advises not to be thrown off course by what might bother us, at least not to the point of letting it force us to change directions.

“Let’s not let a bad interaction ruin a relationship,” Weber says. “Let’s not let a bad moment ruin an opportunity.”

Finally, Weber reminds the crowd that we need ourselves and certain people need us, and so he asks us to examine what he calls the “critical anchor” that might prevent us from being what we need to be for ourselves and others.

“What is your critical anchor?” Weber asks. “Can we be brave enough to identify it, and can we love ourselves enough to minimize or eliminate it?”