Gemline (PPAI 113948, Platinum) has announced the unveiling a new “purpose statement” by which to illustrate its guiding principles. The Massachusetts-based supplier has chosen “We Promote Community” as its foundational vision for internal and public-facing communications.

“We are thrilled to introduce our new purpose statement, ‘We Promote Community,’” says Jonathan Isaacson, Gemline’s executive chair. “At Gemline, we are dedicated to building meaningful relationships, contributing positively to society and making a difference.”

Five Core Tenets

In order to embody the new statement of “We Promote Community,” the Gemline team has broken down five core tenets by which to form and cultivate community. Those tenets include:

  • Mindset: Putting community and the core of what the company is and drives what its employees do.
  • Culture: Embedding community into the culture in order to reflect how employees treat each other with respect and dignity.
  • Engagement: Forming community beyond the walls of the company by making a positive impact, locally and globally.
  • Products: Sell products that support community by creating connections between people
  • Customers: Building trust with our customers by delivering exceptional experience.

“Our commitment to promoting community is not just a statement,” says Isaacson. “It is our guiding principle and provides the framework for how our organization operates.”