bluesign (PPAI 825888, Standard-Base)

Ideal Customer:

Distributors and suppliers with minimum annual revenue of about $1 million. bluesign says it can provide more impact to suppliers than to distributors, but can certainly help both categories to reduce environmental impacts in the supply chain, with a focus on textile products, not hard goods.

The Solution:

We provide an on-site assessment of the customer and their supply chain. We work with them to help source fabrics that are healthier for the environment, the factory workers and consumers. Following our assessment, the customer is provided with a gap analysis, showing where improvements can be made. All bluesign System Partners are re-assessed every 3 years. We can also provide consulting services like writing ESG policies, updates on legislation, reporting of carbon footprint impacts, etc.

By working with bluesign, we help eliminate the need for testing final products for harmful chemicals. This is done through Input Stream Management: we work with the brands to remove those toxic chemicals from the very beginning of the production process. We also provide a economic savings to the brand by focusing on resource management. Lastly, we help brands to stay ahead of the coming laws that companies must follow when it comes to their environmental impacts.

What You’ll Need:

At least one staff person dedicated to sustainability and/or supply chain management is highly recommended.


We try to make our costs affordable for companies of all sizes, so a big factor in determining cost is the annual revenue of the potential customer. At companies of all sizes, keep in mind that the fee for bluesign System Partnership is less expensive than hiring an in-house Sustainability Manager. For our cost, the customer has a team of 100 experts (PhD’s in chemistry, textile engineers, etc.) on hand to help them with nearly all ESG matters.

Terms & Commitments:

bluesign System Partnership is an annual subscription. Once a company joins bluesign, they complete the assessment as described above. Re-assessments are done every 3 years. Every year we have special workshops, called Brand Forums, that are only available for our System Partners. Our technical teams are always available to our System Partners for the length of the relationship.