May 28

HPG Reveals Rebrand Of Canadian Supplier, Debco

HPG subsidiary and PPPC’s 2023 Canadian Supplier of the Year, Debco (PPAI 317015, Plus-Standard) has undergone a comprehensive rebrand, signifying a new era in its 41-year history.

  • Debco will lean into its Canadian pride with its own unique maple leaf design while the color palette and design elements focus in on Canadian art, pop culture, landscape and values.
  • This is the seventh brand development project undertaken by HPG’s marketing team having previously refreshed the look and feel of subsidiaries such as Hub, Mixie (formerly Webb), BCG Creations, and the parent company.
  • HPG is the No. 6 ranked supplier in the 2024 PPAI 100.

Debco COO Marie Kirshenbaum says, “Our rebrand marks an exciting new chapter in Debco’s journey. This transformation not only reflects our evolution over the past 41 years but also reinforces that we are a modern company, innovating our way into the future. By aligning our brand with the dynamic needs of our customers and the latest industry trends, we are reaffirming our commitment to delivering exceptional service and cutting-edge products.”

Senior Brand Manager Mel Dobosh adds, “The rebrand of Debco is more than just a new look; it’s a renewed promise to our customers and partners. We’ve taken this opportunity to modernize our visual identity and make it clear we’re proud to be Canadian by incorporating the iconic maple leaf. I am proud to be part of this project and excited to roll this creative brand out in the months ahead.”

New Logomark Partnership Supports Local Community

Logomark (PPAI 110898, Platinum) – the No. 14 ranked supplier in the 2024 PPAI 100 – in Tustin, California, has formed a strategic partnership with the Tustin Community Foundation, a prominent nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing community well-being in the city and beyond.

  • Through this collaboration, Logomark will provide support to the Tustin Community Foundation’s existing programs while also exploring new avenues for community engagement and outreach.

“We are thrilled to partner with the Tustin Community Foundation to grow our efforts in supporting community development initiatives,” says Logomark CRO Michael Bistocchi. “At Logomark, we believe in the power of giving back, and this partnership allows us to make a positive difference in the city of Tustin.”