Exhibit Specification Regulations

Exhibitor rules and regulations at The PPAI Expo.

Exhibit Specifications are subject to change at the discretion of Show Management. If you have any questions about your exhibit configuration, these Exhibit Specifications or any matter pertaining to exhibiting at PPAI events, please email Expositions@ppai.org.


PPAI Show Management may require an Exhibitor to make changes in an exhibit if, in Show Management’s opinion, the exhibit does not conform to prevailing standards of good taste.  Changes will also be required if the exhibit interferes with the rights of others. Exhibitors shall not congregate or solicit trade in the aisles, and no exhibitor shall conduct himself or herself in a manner offensive to decency or good taste. No disturbances of economic or political demonstrations, including picketing against other registrants, shall be allowed.


All exhibitors are expected to abide by and observe all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances of any governmental authority and all rules of the facility.


FIRE AND SAFETY REGULATIONS. Exhibitors are expected to comply with all city regulations in effect at the facility. All packing containers and wrapping paper, which must be non-combustible and flameproof, must be removed from the floor and not be stored under tables or behind displays.  Use of tissue, crepe, and corrugated paper or other forms of flammable materials is prohibited, and materials used for table and shelf covering must be able to withstand a flameproof test as prescribed by fire ordinance of the Las Vegas Fire Marshal.  All inflammables are to be kept in safety containers. Open flames, oxygen tanks, etc. are not permitted without the permission of Mandalay Bay Convention Center and the Las Vegas Fire Marshal. The Fire Marshal has final say on any jurisdiction disputes.


Exhibit booths shall not interfere with access to emergency exits or restrict visibility of emergency exit signs.  Exhibits and displays may not obstruct any aisles or public spaces.


U.S. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA). All exhibiting companies are required to be in compliance with the U.S. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and are encouraged to be sensitive, and as reasonably accommodating as possible, to attendees with disabilities. Information regarding ADA compliance is available from the U.S. Department of Justice ADA Information Line (800) 514-0301, and from the ADA website at www.ada.gov.

Exhibit Height Overview

Linear Booth

DEFINITION. Linear Booths, also called “in-line” booths, are generally arranged in a straight line and have neighboring exhibitors on their immediate right and left, leaving only one side exposed to the aisle.


DIMENSIONS & USE OF SPACE.  Linear Booths are ten feet (10’) wide and ten feet (10’) deep, i.e. 10’x10’. A maximum back wall height limitation of eight feet (8’) is allowed, unless an extended height fee of twelve percent (12%) is paid to be allowed to extend up to ten feet (10’) high.


Regardless of the number of Linear Booths utilized, (e.g. 10’x20’, 10’x30’, 10’x40’, etc.) display materials should be arranged in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. A maximum height of eight feet (8’) is allowed only in the rear half of the booth space, with a four-foot (4’) height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle. (Note: When three (3) or more Linear booths are used in combination as a single exhibit space, the four foot (4’) height limitation is applied only to that portion of exhibit space which is within ten feet (10’) of an adjoining booth.)

Corner Booth

DEFINITION. A Corner Booth is a Linear Booth at the end of a series of in-line booths with exposure to intersecting aisles on two sides.


DIMENSIONS & USE OF SPACE. All guidelines for Linear Booths apply.

Perimeter Booth

DEFINITION. Perimeter Booth is a Linear Booth that backs to an outside wall of the exhibit facility rather than to another exhibit.


DIMENSIONS & USE OF SPACE. All guidelines for Linear Booths apply to Perimeter Booths unless an extended height fee of twelve percent (12%) is paid to be allowed to extend up to sixteen feet (16’) high.

Island Booth

DEFINITION. An Island Booth is a booth exposed to aisle on all four sides.


DIMENSIONS & USE OF SPACE. An Island Booth is a minimum of twenty feet (20’) by twenty feet (20’) or larger, although configurations vary. The entire Cubic Content of the space may be used up to the maximum allowable height, which is sixteen feet (16’). Twenty-two feet (22’) is the maximum height allowed when paying the twelve percent (12%) extended height upcharge. All hanging signage and graphics require an additional upcharge. See the Hanging Signs Section for details. For any ground supported structure requiring rigging support from the ceiling, the twelve percent (12%) upcharge will be enforced, as if it were hanging signage.


Extended Height

Extended height may be purchased for your space for an additional twelve percent (12%) of your total exhibit space cost, based on your booth configuration. Exhibitor is responsible for covering cost of structure and signage used in the extended height area. Please note the following Extended Height allowances:


 Inline / LinearCornerPerimeterIsland
Extended Height*10’10’16’22’



Exhibitor must “finish” the portion of the booth that exceeds eight (8’) feet and backs up to the neighboring booth. PPAI reserves the right to have Freeman adjust unfinished portions of the booth that back up to neighboring booths at your expense. The additional fees paid to PPAI for special booth configurations are in addition to any charges by Freeman or the facility for equipment and labor to make these modifications.

Hanging Signs and Graphics

A Hanging Sign upcharge may be purchased for your booth space, for an additional twelve percent (12%) of your total exhibit space cost. Hanging Signs are only allowed on Aisle Spans (six (6) booths or greater), Island and Perimeter booths. Hanging Signs should be set back ten feet (10’) from adjacent booths and be directly over contracted space only. Height is measured from the floor to the top of the hanging sign/graphic. Please note the following height allowances:


 Aisle SpanPerimeterIsland
Hanging Sign Permitted*Up to 16’Up to 16’Up to 22’

Aisle Carpet Span

Linear exhibits with at least six hundred (600) square feet of exhibit space and at least three (3) booths on each side of the aisle facing each other may choose to have carpet spanned over the aisle. This option will incur a Special Booth Configuration fee of twelve percent (12%) of your total exhibit cost. The aisle must be free of any exhibit items and be maintained as an aisle. Aisle carpet spans cannot contain more than a single pad under the carpet. Exhibitor is responsible for covering cost of carpet and carpet pad used in the aisle carpet span area.

Elevated Aisle Span

Linear exhibits with at least six hundred (600) square feet of exhibit space and at least three (3) booths on each side of the aisle facing each other may choose to have an aisle span over the aisle. This option will incur a Special Booth Configuration fee of twelve percent (12%) of your total exhibit cost. An exhibitor may “bridge or span” the aisle if they are in accordance with the following rules: the “bridge or span” must be structural component of the booth such as a roof or a sign that conforms to the architectural integrity of the booth and the bridge. The maximum height of the “bridge or span” can only be ten (10') feet (to top of span from the exhibit floor). Exhibitor must also purchase aisle carpet span. Exhibitor is responsible for covering cost of structure and signage used in the Elevated Aisle Span.

Multi-Story Exhibits

Exhibitors must provide engineering stamped documents for all Multi-Story Exhibits.

Exhibitors must notify PPAI Show Management in writing no later than 60 days from the opening date of event, for approval and further instruction.


A Multi-Story Exhibit is a booth where the display fixture includes two or more levels. Multi-Story Exhibits are only permitted for Island Booths only. All multi-level booths must have two (2) remote means of egress if the upper level is greater than 300 square feet. If any exhibiting booths have multiple levels or room(s) with enclosures, visible notification must appear on the stairway(s) or outside the room. This notice must state the maximum occupancy permissible or total weight load allowable on the second story at one time. If the second story occupancy level allows more than ten (10) people at one time, a second stairway must be present.


Exhibitors must provide engineering stamped documents for all Towers over eight feet (8’). Exhibitors must notify PPAI Show Management in writing no later than 60 days from the opening date of event, for approval and further instruction.


A Tower is a free-standing exhibit component separate from the main exhibit fixture. The height restriction is the same as that which applies to the appropriate exhibit space configuration being used. Fire and safety regulations in many facilities strictly govern the use of Towers. A building permit or safety lines may be required.

Canopies / Ceilings

Exhibitors must notify PPAI Show Management in writing no later than 60 days from the opening date of event, for approval and further instruction.


Canopies, including ceilings, umbrellas and canopy frames, can be either decorative or functional (such as to shade computer monitors from ambient light or for hanging products). Canopies for Linear or Perimeter Booths should comply with Line-of-Sight requirements (see “Use of Space for Linear Booths”).