As a promo pro, you know just how busy things can get. Between emails and calls and requests and follow-ups, you don’t have much time left for distractions — especially not for things that offer little value. Your prospects are in the same boat. They’re also busy juggling multiple demands. How do you get their attention? One way, according to marketing expert Moni Oloyede, is to get them to care.

She says many prospects are feeling more cautious and less engaged. They’re also becoming increasingly choosy about where they spend their money. That’s why Oloyede says it’s crucial to form authentic connections to win them over. We share her ideas on doing this in this issue of PromoPro Daily.

Show some personality. According to Oloyede, your voice, tone and personality matter more than ever. Let your uniqueness shine through, whether it’s your humor, compassion or honesty. This makes you more relatable and memorable. Oloyede suggests identifying 3 adjectives that define your brand’s personality and infusing them into your content, emails and social interactions.

Show some empathy. Don’t go for the hard sell. Instead, Oloyede advises acknowledging the prospect’s struggles and positioning your company as a supportive partner. She suggests reviewing your messaging and ensuring you address your prospects’ pain points with understanding.

Show some humility. In these uncertain times, no one has all the answers. You don’t have to be perfect, but you can be transparent. Oloyede recommends sharing real stories about your missteps and failures and what you learned along the way. This shows you’re in the trenches with your prospects and helps build trust.

Show some investment. The pressure to deliver immediate ROI often makes brands hesitant to give before they take, Oloyede says. She recommends finding one way to give before you ask. Maybe it’s a free resource or consultation. Whatever you decide to offer, it will pay off when budgets open up again.

Show some creativity. Challenge yourself to do something different. It’s one way you can grab attention and position yourself as a trusted advisor rather than another salesperson. Oloyede advises researching how consumer brands engage their audiences and finding ways to bring that creativity into B2B.

To stand out, don’t add to the noise. Instead, set yourself apart by showing personality, empathy and humility and letting your creativity shine. When you apply the guidance above, you can make real connections and make your prospects care.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Moni Oloyede is the owner and founder of MO MarTech LLC, a black and woman-owned business that helps small businesses develop their marketing strategy.