As a rule, CAS and MAS certifications must be renewed every three years in order for an individual to maintain the certification status.

  • This means that anyone who took advantage of free certifications that were offered in 2020 will have to go through the process of renewal before the end of 2023, if they have not already.
  • Education is a core element of PPAI’s mission and function to serve its members. In the recently unveiled PPAI 100 list, professional development is a factor in determining the industry’s top distributors and suppliers.

Evolving Education

PPAI is the promotional products industry’s home for comprehensive professional development and education. Through online and live learning courses, along with targeted conference education, it has never been easier to obtain continuing education credits, locate resourceful information on a specific topic or to earn an industry certification.

  • This requires that the Association constantly works to update its education offerings and certification requirements in order to ensure the content remains relevant and accurate.

“The promotional products industry is not static, and so PPAI takes seriously the process of updating and evolving its industry education,” says Jill Begun, professional development manager at PPAI. “CAS and MAS certifications are impressive accomplishments, but in order for them to hold their value, the Association requires that individuals renew their credentials every three years to keep up with new developments to the promo world.”

How To Renew Your Certification

It requires 30 credits to renew a CAS or MAS certification.

  • Individuals can begin the process by going to the My PPAI
  • Clicking on “Certification Transcript” allows users to see their credits and track their progress.
  • Once an individual has the required credits, the will need to register for and submit the Recertification Application, which can be found under the PPAI Certification option in the online portal.

If you have any questions about the recertification process, reach out to Jill Begun at