Problems pop up sometimes, from an issue with a client to a misunderstanding with a co-worker or a snag in your sales process. You may want to brush aside the problem or hope it goes away on its own, but addressing issues head-on can help prevent them from getting bigger. Tackling issues as they arise also allows you to sharpen your problem-solving skills, which can serve you well throughout your career.
Writer Abby Wolfe contributed a post to The Muse blog that outlines what you should do, step by step, the next time you’re facing a problem at work. Keep reading this issue of PromoPro Daily for her guidance on solving challenges quickly and effectively.
1. Identify the problem. You may think you know what’s wrong, but you might need to dig a little deeper. Wolfe says when you’re defining what’s wrong, break it down and be as specific as possible. Don’t just say, “This report is wrong.” Instead, articulate what’s wrong with it and how you know the report is wrong. She says you should also clarify when you need a resolution. Sometimes problems arise simply because more time is needed to address the situation.
2. Determine why it happened. The next step when a problem occurs is to get to the bottom of it. Wolfe gives an example of a pizza arriving with 4 of 8 slices missing. There’s a big difference, she says, between the driver grabbing the wrong box versus eating half your pizza on the way to your house. The solution you decide upon depends largely on the root of the cause.
3. Request help. You don’t always have to solve issues on your own. Wolfe likes to commit to searching for 30 minutes. If she can’t uncover a solution by then, she’ll call in others for different perspectives. Sometimes, we’re so in the weeds with a problem that we can’t see any clear solution. Even if you can resolve an issue on your own, she says you should still report it to others on your team. This way no one will be blindsided by any impact, your co-workers can learn from your experience and you can hear from others who may have good ideas for how to prevent the problem from happening again.
4. Fix the problem. Once you’ve worked through the steps above, it’s time to correct the issue. Maybe you can do it on your own or the solution requires help from another person within your team or company. Make sure you delegate what you can, Wolfe says, and provide all the necessary information so everyone is on the same page.
Problems are bound to happen in the workplace from time to time. How you address them makes all the difference. Start by getting to the root cause of the issue, asking for help when you need it and maintaining a proactive mindset. When you do, you’ll build resilience and be better prepared for anything that might come your way.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Abby Wolfe is a Portland-based writer, career coach and health educator who contributes to The Muse and others.