The world is full of all kinds of people looking for promo. Some buyers are super pumped from the get-go; others are more hesitant about timing or budget. Some prospects are analytical and want to know all the details, while others want to befriend you before signing a contract.

Sandra Crawford, a senior product marketing manager at Bigtincan, says preparing sales reps for this colorful cast of characters is like preparing actors for an improv show — only the stakes are higher and there’s actual revenue on the line.  

In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share Crawford’s ideas on how to connect with 5 of the most common buyer types.

1. The skeptical buyer. They don’t believe just anything — they need proof that promo works. When you’re interacting with a skeptic, remember that they’re not rejecting you. Instead, they’re doing their due diligence. Crawford says you can win them over by backing up what you say with solid proof like case studies, hard data and reports.

    2. The enthusiastic buyer. Some buyers are genuinely excited and ready to implement your promo solution right away. Be aware, though, that their enthusiasm could mask potential roadblocks. Crawford says it’s important to turn their interest into action by guiding their excitement into next steps. Be sure to keep detailed notes of all their ideas and help them build a case for other stakeholders.

    3. The indifferent buyer. This buyer might multitask during meetings or give you vague responses. It doesn’t mean they’re not interested, though. They could be hiding valuable pain points behind that poker face, Crawford says. What can you do? She recommends asking specific questions about business challenges and connecting your promo solution to their KPIs. When you hit on something that matters to them, you’ll notice a change in their attention.

    4. The analytical buyer. This kind of buyer treats every purchase like a scientific study, Crawford says. They want data and hard facts. She advises presenting information in a structured format and providing detailed information upfront. You can also win them over by walking through the math behind your ROI calculations.

    5. The relationship-builder. These prospects want to know more about you as a promo expert. They may share personal stories of their own and ask about your experiences. Don’t mistake their friendliness for an easy close, though. Crawford says relationship-oriented buyers value personal connection above all. Be authentic and share relevant stories. Show that you’re committed to their long-term success.

    When you’re roleplaying sales scenarios, work in some of these buyer types. You’ll help your team members improve their adaptability and boost their confidence when interacting with all different prospects.

    Compiled by Audrey Sellers

    Source: Sandra Crawford is a senior product marketing manager at Bigtincan, an award-winning sales enablement platform.