Experiencing stalls in your sales pipeline is totally normal. Leads can go cold for all kinds of reasons, from changing priorities to budget constraints. Sometimes, prospects drop off because they’re not sure if your promo solution is what they need. In these situations, you might be wondering what you did wrong or if you could have done something differently.

Al Davidson, the president and owner of SSM Strategic Sales & Marketing, Inc., says it’s nerve-wracking when sales get stalled, but it’s often out of your control. Instead of just endlessly checking in or writing these prospects off altogether, Davidson recommends taking a few actions to try and jumpstart the deals. We share his guidance in this issue of PromoPro Daily.

1. Don’t assume anything. Some salespeople incorrectly assume the prospect is ready to buy immediately. As a result, they communicate in a way that doesn’t mesh well with the prospect. If you believe you’re deeper in the sales process than you actually are, you may come across as high pressure and pushy. This will drive the prospect away, says Davidson.

2. Relieve some pressure with a message. If a deal has stalled, you can take some of the pressure off by sending a quick message. Davidson suggests reminding the client you’re happy to work with them through any concerns and answer any questions. The idea is to empathize with the prospect and listen when they respond with questions or concerns.

3. Don’t give up. Davidson urges salespeople not to give up when they think the prospect has gone dark. The deal isn’t dead. Prospects are busy just like you, and they’re trying to juggle changes and challenges that have nothing to do with your deal. You may not be the most pressing item on their to-do list, but that doesn’t mean they’re not interested.

4. Give them space. When did you last communicate with the prospect? If it has been a few weeks, Davidson suggests checking in — even if it’s just to request a simple update on how things are going. However, don’t be pushy. The conversation shouldn’t focus on your deal. Instead, he advises showing concern for the prospect and seeing how they’re doing.

5. Don’t message too much. According to Davidson, over-messaging is a huge mistake. You shouldn’t send more voicemails and emails when prospects don’t respond to you right away. Instead, try sending a handwritten note with a thoughtful promo. Davidson advises keeping it short and sweet. Simply state that you hope you can keep talking and working toward a deal.

Remember that B2B sales take time. Buying promo is a big decision and requires prospects to trust you and believe in your solution. When you run into stalled deals, try the ideas above to get them back in motion.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Al Davidson is the president and owner of SSM Strategic Sales & Marketing, Inc.