Mobile, digital video and social channels are expected to capture more of advertisers’ dollars in 2016, as marketers shift their budgets away from traditional media, says a survey by programmatic marketing platform provider Rocket Fuel. “Marketing Tech Trends: 10 Things Happening In 2016,” a survey of marketers and agency professionals, found that 64 percent say they plan on using more mobile in campaigns in 2016, while 60 percent say they will use digital, video and social more often.
Expectations for traditional channels are down across the board. It reports that 43 percent of respondents plan on buying less print advertising in 2016, 31 percent fewer television ads and 29 percent fewer radio ads. Television continues to draw the largest share of spending.
Rocket Fuel’s survey uncovered a move toward programmatic ad buying in the digital channels. It found that 81 percent plan to buy programmatic digital display ads in 2016, up 18 percent from 2015; 70 percent plan programmatic buying in digital video, up 36 percent; and 60 percent plan to buy mobile, up 16 percent.
Click here to download Rocket Fuel’s full report.