The Akran Foundation, the charitable and philanthropic extension of Ottawa, Ontario-based distributor Akran Marketing (PPAI 228797), has donated $25,000 to support relief efforts following a pair of tornados that struck Ottawa and Gatineau in Western Quebec last Friday. The foundation has also launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise additional donations.
“Our thoughts are with all our neighbors who are dealing with the unprecedented impact of this disaster,” says Raman Agarwal, Akran Marketing president and CEO. “We know from decades of partnership with local charities how contributions can quickly bring recovery and relief to those residents hardest hit by this devastating storm.”
In addition to corporate charitable and in-kind investments, Akran employees have given to their local communities by participating in volunteer programs, gift matching programs and the Akran Employees Community Fund. The company is matching qualifying employee contributions towards tornado relief through the Akran Foundation.