Cory Reese    

Senior Program Director    

Amplifii Marketing Solutions

Lawrenceville, Georgia

Nominated by: Ryan Lester, CAS, Inside Sales, Showdown Displays

cory-reese Cory Reese spent three years honing his business development acumen at Palmetto Sports Fundraising before joining distributor Amplifii in 2013. The company was founded 30 years ago as a pre-sort mail company, but over the years found its niche in providing solution-based project management—including promotional products, print, mail services and online company stores. Today it’s a full-service marketing solutions provider. Amplifii’s website states that the company’s most consistent trait is its “ …dedication to love and serve our people and our customers.”

It’s an aspiration that has molded the company’s culture and is reflected daily by Reese in his work with his clients. Also among those on the receiving end of that dedicated service is Ryan Lester, who works in inside sales for supplier Showdown Displays. While it may seem non-traditional for Reese to be providing service to Lester, the two know that give and take on both sides is the way true partnerships are built.

“Cory is very forthcoming with information and gives me his expectations so we can partner together to meet his clients’ needs,” says Lester, adding that this way no time is wasted. “He responds quickly to questions I have and presents as much info as he can in the beginning so I’m sure we are quoting on the right products from the start.”

The two have worked together since Reese joined the company on countless projects for some of Reese’s retail clients who use Showdown Display’s table covers and other products in store openings and new product rollouts.

“We have a program with Cory that we were hoping would renew,” says Lester. “He let us know where we need to be to win this project. He is up front with us and he is willing to give and take. He realizes there are less expensive options available, but [he knows] we offer a great value. He lets his customer know that quality trumps price.”

In addition to efficient communication and the high energy level Reese brings to the projects, Lester also likes the distributor’s laid-back personality. “He’s very successful, but he keeps things light.”

Cory Reese On Partnering

What are the most important qualities in a good business partner? 

When choosing a business support partner, I look for someone who values communication and follow-through above all else. If the person I am working on a project with can give me the attention necessary to get the right information to my customer, we can typically find a mutually beneficial price that works for both parties.

What do you do that sets you apart from other distributors in the way you work with suppliers?

I always try to understand that as much as I am trying to work hard and achieve results for my end user, my chosen suppliers are trying to work just as hard for me. It creates an understanding that they really do have my interest in mind and aren’t just focused on achieving high profits for their companies all the time.

Is there something Ryan does that makes it easy for you to provide exemplary service?

Ryan always goes to the next level to give me the opportunity to compete in tight turnaround and lower margin situations. His communication ability and quick follow-through makes him a go-to whenever a need arises in his area of focus. He is always willing to ask if there is more he can do to help me win the bid and that goes a long way.

What advice do you have for other distributors who want to achieve a true partnership with their suppliers?

Remember that, at the end of the day, the person on the other end of the phone has a life and a family just like you do. It’s easy to get caught up in achieving results and trying to earn business but it starts with realizing that I can’t do my job without my supplier doing theirs. I need them just as much as they need me. I always try to take a moment to let my suppliers know how thankful I am for their willingness to work hard and get me the best price and quality that my customers are looking for. I don’t want to be the distributor that suppliers dread hearing from. I always seek to be a great partner and advocate in the industry for suppliers who are willing to do a little bit more to make sure my customers are always well pleased.

The Eight Elements Of Strong Partnerships

  1. Trust. Good partners have confidence that the other looks out for their best interests—even when the other is not watching. One must truly care about the other’s success.
  2. Dedication. When both partners are equally committed to an outcome and willing to give whatever it takes, there’s much less chance of failure.
  3. Collaboration. The old saying that two heads are better than one plays out here as well, especially when partners bring expertise from different sides of the industry.
  4. Honesty. A partner who is not authentic, scrupulous and of highest moral character can bring down the best laid plans.
  5. Shared goals. Working in tandem with someone else who is equally dedicated can make the quickest work in solving a problem or reaching a goal.
  6. Integrity. Powerful partnerships rely on honor, truthfulness and reliability in all dealings.
  7. Candor. When there is a problem in a partnership, it’s best to be forthright and open about it so the situation can be resolved. Learn how to clear the air without negatively affecting your business relationship.
  8. Communication. The key here is timeliness, follow-through and follow-up. Any distributor who is left wondering where their order is, or a supplier who is still waiting for artwork approval days later, knows the importance of prompt and thorough communication.

Tina Berres Filipski is editor of PPB.