National Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated from September 15 to October 15, is a vibrant reminder of the rich culture, history and contributions by members of the Hispanic and Latino American community.

This month honors the diverse narratives of the more than 62 million Hispanic individuals who shape our nation. It’s a time to reflect on the profound impact Hispanic and Latino individuals have made in fields like art, entertainment, politics, science and beyond.

PPAI Media has asked four Hispanic industry professionals to share their experiences and insights about how their heritage has shaped their journeys, leadership styles and the challenges they’ve overcome in the promo industry.

PPAI Media: What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you?

Jennifer Rodriguez, lead account manager at PPAI 100’s No. 20 supplier HIRSCH (PPAI 221823, Gold): Growing up as a first-generation American, Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate my identity and honor my Honduran roots with pride. That means carrying the strengths of my parents, who moved to this country young and faced obstacles with great strength and courage, so I can have the opportunities that I enjoy today.

Michelle Abrams, account executive at HIRSCH: Hispanic Heritage Month is a beautiful celebration of our rich culture, history and contributions! For me, it’s a time to honor my roots and the incredible stories of resilience and creativity within our community. This month reminds us all to embrace diversity and the unique perspectives we bring to the table.

Paola Espitia, co-founder of Houston-based distributor STS Brand (PPAI 652324, Standard-Plus): Hispanic Heritage Month is meaningful to me because it highlights the importance of representation. I still remember taking my family to see Encanto without knowing it was based in Colombia. By the end, I was in tears — the good kind. Seeing the food my abuelita used to make and hearing the music we played during our Saturday chores on the big screen in the U.S. was something I never expected. The best part? My kids get to experience this kind of authentic representation of their heritage now, not later in life. That’s why it’s so important.

David Aguilar, senior graphic designer at STS Brand: This month, it’s important to share that it’s possible that in every place there is a person who represents these roots. It’s important because within the industry there are stories to tell, experiences that made us get to where we are and that we fight for a dignified life.

RELATED: National Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: House Of Chingasos

PPAI Media: How has your cultural background influenced your approach to leadership or decision-making in your career?

Rodriguez: My cultural background has ingrained in me a strong emphasis on teamwork and community when making decisions. This allows me to be more sympathetic to situations and prioritize the group’s needs instead of my individual needs. My cultural background has also shown me how important it is to be adaptable and embrace new ideas and different perspectives or opinions.

Abrams:  My cultural background instills a strong sense of community and collaboration in my leadership style. I believe in bringing everyone into the conversation, valuing different perspectives and fostering an inclusive environment. It’s all about teamwork and making sure everyone feels heard!

Espitia:  My experience as a Colombian immigrant has shaped my approach to leadership by emphasizing consensus. In Latino culture, the importance of family runs deep, and this value has guided me to foster harmony and build strong, meaningful connections within my team.

RELATED: HIRSCH Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

PPAI Media: What strengths do you believe Hispanic professionals bring to the table that can drive innovation or success for companies in the promo products space?

Rodriguez: We bring bilingual abilities, diversity, adaptability, community engagement and a strong work ethic. These strengths create a more dynamic work environment, which ultimately helps build relationships, growth and success in the promo products workplace.

Abrams: Hispanic professionals bring creativity, adaptability and a fresh perspective! We have a rich tapestry of experiences that fuel innovative ideas and approaches. Our ability to connect with diverse audiences helps companies resonate with a wider customer base, driving success.

Aguilar: We bring a strong work ethic, always ready to help no matter the circumstances. With passion and pride, we approach tasks we enjoy, using the skills and experiences we’ve gained from past journeys to create something new. These efforts often stand out, leading others to take notice and ask about the people behind the work.

PPAI Media: Have you faced any unique challenges as a Hispanic professional?

Rodriguez: I’ve faced challenging assumptions due to being Hispanic, which has led to me working twice as hard to gain recognition and respect. These challenges have come from an unconscious bias, which has led to discriminatory behavior and remarks. I’ve overcome these challenges by realizing that my ancestors went through a lot worse and still held their heads up high throughout it all.

Abrams:  Absolutely, there have been challenges, like navigating stereotypes or being comfortable with my accent. But I’ve always focused on building relationships and showing my worth through my work. Surrounding myself with supportive colleagues and mentors has been key, too. Together, we can lift each other up!

PPAI Media: What advice would you give young Hispanic individuals looking to enter the promo industry or succeed in business or entrepreneurship?

Rodriguez: My biggest advice to a young Hispanic individual looking to enter the promo industry and succeed is to embrace your unique perspective. What I mean by this is that we must embrace our backgrounds and where we come from. When that happens, our story and our ancestors’ stories of resilience can inspire innovative ideas that resonate with so many others in this industry. Another big piece of advice would be always to be authentic. Never be afraid to be yourself and keep true to your values and vision. This has helped me build strong and genuine relationships in this industry.

Abrams:  Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to showcase your unique strengths. Network, seek mentors and keep learning. Your voice matters, so share your ideas boldly! Also, always remember that kindness and collaboration will take you far.

Espitia: I’d encourage young Latinos to fully embrace their cultural identity — your background is a valuable asset. It gives you a unique perspective that can set you apart in the promo industry or any business. Use it to build authentic connections and promote inclusivity. Also, stay resilient. Doubts may creep in, but don’t let them hold you back. You belong in this space, and you deserve every success that comes your way.

PPAI Media: How can companies and industries better support and celebrate Hispanic professionals, businesses and individuals, not just during Hispanic Heritage Month but year-round?

Rodriguez: Partner with Hispanic organizations and community centers or schools; spread year-long awareness; and regularly celebrate Hispanic professionals in the industry with newsletters or through social media.

Abrams: It’s all about creating an inclusive culture. Companies can support Hispanic professionals by providing mentorship programs, celebrating cultural events throughout the year and actively promoting diversity in leadership roles. It’s important to show that we’re valued all year round.

PPAI Media: What’s your favorite product or thing about the promo products industry?

Rodriguez: I love so many things about the promo industry! However, my favorite is being able to connect with people through promo products. They’re so much more than just products; they’re a way to connect and create a memorable experience and build relationships.

Abrams:  I absolutely love the creativity in the promo products industry! It’s amazing how a simple item can carry a brand’s message and create a lasting impression. My favorite products are our FujiFilm Instax Mini camera and JBL speakers. I’ve always had a passion for photography and music so it’s fantastic to sell products that reflect some passions of mine.