The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has closed resulting from a lack of funding for the fiscal year 2019. It’s included in about a quarter of federal government offices that have been shut down for the past 13 days.
The CPSC has published its procedures in the event of a lapse in appropriations on the website. The procedures outline what activities certain CPSC staff are legally allowed to engage in during a government shutdown and identify which employees are excepted from the furlough. Employees who are not excepted from the furlough remain on call in the event of an emergency that requires them to report to duty as an excepted employee, which is a determination made by the executive director.
During a government shutdown, the regulatory agency retains limited functional capability for responding to imminent threats to human safety and protecting government property. The CPSC has posted a hotline number for consumers to call in the event of an issue arises that needs immediate attention from their offices: 800-638-2772.
At press time, there was no end in sight as the shut down enters its second week. The longest shut down in history was the stalemate between President Bill Clinton and the GOP Congress that lasted 21 days from December 16, 1995 to January 5, 1996.