With stay-at-home orders and business closures reshaping the workday, buyers are seeking out and interacting with businesses more now than they were one month ago as many transactions have moved online. The data, from insights aggregated from more than 70,000 customers of sales, marketing and customer service software provider Hubspot, shows that buyers still want to engage.
Hubspot’s data also shows, however, that deal creation volume and responses to sales outreach have decreased, and the company notes that sales strategies will need to be adjusted to reflect the new landscape. The drop-in closed-won deals, likely due to companies rethinking purchasing decisions in light of economic uncertainty, is accompanied by a decline in the volume of new deals, measured by the company. The weekly average of deals created decreased globally by 17 percent the week of March 16 and fell by 23 percent by the week of March 30, when compared to prior global averages for those weeks.
However, Hubspot’s data also shows that websites have grown more important as a source of new business as customers are initiating more interactions and doing more online research. Average monthly website traffic increased by 13 percent in March, compared to February. In a similar move, weekly chat volume via onsite chat features and Facebook Messenger were up five percent after March 16, compared to previous first quarter weekly averages.
The volume of emails sent out by sales and marketing teams were up 23 percent on the week of March 16 compared to prior weekly averages in first quarter. Marketing teams saw engagement increase, which Hubspot says suggests that opportunity exists to improve outreach and connect with the right buyers at the right time, while increasing sales outreach has been met with declining response rates.
Drawing from its findings, Hubspot recommends companies focus on education, not promotion. The data shows that customers still want to engage with companies and may be more interested in learning and education. In its findings, Hubspot reports, “Instead of dialing up the promotion of your products and services during a crisis—an approach that may be insensitive to your customer base—focus on nurturing the long-term relationship. Identify where you can help your customers today without asking for anything in return.”
For more information on the company’s research, click here.