The holidays are almost here. Company parties are taking place and bonus checks are being handed out. What are you doing to show your appreciation to employees? Promotional Consultant Today shares these eight ideas to thank employees for their work all year long.
1. Make sure you acknowledge your employees’ contributions. Employees want to know you care about them, value them, and that what they do matters to you. Make time to go around and visit and thank employees, send notes to tell them so, or greet and mingle at a town hall meeting.
2. Giving something to your employees can really help in retaining them. The principle of reciprocity causes people to want to give their loyalty and commitment to the giver. Employees receiving bonuses are 71 percent more likely to stay with their current employers.
3. When you can give a bonus remember to make it a big deal. Don’t let the bonus just be an extra line on the pay statement. Flag it, communicate it and let everyone know. One study showed that nine percent of employees couldn’t remember if their employers had given them bonuses last year.
4. Never neglect to say thank you, no matter what you give. Too often we give the tangible award, bonus or gift and think the item given communicates our thanks. Accompany any tangible acknowledgment with some form of expressed appreciation, whether spoken or written.
5. Wrap up a special memory to take home from work. My own company gives a special gift-wrapped company gift to each employee at the Christmas party celebration. Many have been special, uniquely designed, Christmas tree ornaments that we hang up with fond memories each year.
6. Create the right message that fits your brand. Whether you choose a simple branded card with a handwritten expression, a unique calendar or a collection of great thoughts in infographic poster format, put thought into communicating your respect and appreciation in a special way.
7. Where feasible, close down earlier than usual. Time is precious over the holiday season and is always a valuable gift to give to employees. Wherever operational demands permit, and even if you have to stagger who goes when, giving early departure times over the holiday season will always go over well.
8. One-on-one meetings with the boss. When a positive relationship exists between employees and a boss, managers should make time for a brief but personal meeting with each employee. This is simply a time for managers to personally express appreciation for their employee’s contributions.
Source: Incentive columnist Roy Saunderson is author of Giving the Real Recognition Way and is the chief learning officer of Rideau’s Recognition Management Institute, a consulting and training company which helps leaders and managers get recognition right.