Opening A Can Of Marketing Genius

Tuna company promotes packaging redesign with online instant-win game

When you’ve already got a fan base on Facebook, how do you improve on social media marketing? Make a game of it, of course. That’s what Chicken of the Sea did when it wanted to promote its new pull-tab tuna cans to consumers.

From October to November last year, Facebook users logged on to the company’s page and played the interactive Pull It Off Game and Promotion, which offered the chance to win $25,000 in prizes. The online game featured a virtual “kitchen” setting where players tried to grab a tuna can as it revolved on a table—but only EZ-Open cans would open in the game.

The company reported more than 228,000 plays from 45,000 unique players and a resulting 473-percent increase in overall web traffic. Since the program’s launch, a record average of 10,700 hours of consumer digital engagement time per week has been measured. More telling than the online numbers are the in-store sales: Chicken of the Sea’s EZ-Open product sales increases are in the double digits.