There’s nothing like an objection to take the wind out of your sails. You may hear something like, “We really like your product, but …” or “I’m just not ready to decide right now.” Sales objections are part of the job, but that doesn’t make them any easier to overcome—especially when you’ve gone through the entire sales process and get hit with an objection you didn’t see coming.

Best-selling author Marc Wayshak says you can overcome objections by learning how to avoid them in the first place and knowing what to do if you still receive a sales objection. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share Wayshak’s steps to overcome sales objections like a sales rockstar.

Step No. 1: Avoid the objection in the first place. According to Wayshak, you need to do everything in your power to avoid objections. If you’re hearing the same objections repeatedly, Wayshak says it’s because you aren’t being strong enough during the discovery conversation. Either the prospect isn’t seeing enough value, so they’re looking for a nice way to extricate themselves from the situation, or there was a question you should have asked that would have helped you get out in front of an eventual objection. Do everything you can to avoid objections.

Step No. 2: Pause. If you still get a objection, Wayshak says you should always pause. Give yourself a moment to think through what you’re going to do next. Never rush through it. Slow it down. So, the prospect says, “Your price is much higher than I expected.” Next, count in your head: One, two, three, four. And then…

Step No. 3: Soften. After you pause, it’s time to soften. Wayshak says you never want to make the prospect feel like their objection is dumb or silly or frivolous. You want to show that you’re accepting and acknowledging the objection. The best way to do this is to soften whatever you’re about to say. Compliment or flatter the prospect. Tell them something nice about what they just said. If the prospect just said, “Your price is much higher than I expected,” then you pause before softening with something like, “You know what? I really appreciate your sharing that” or “That totally makes sense.”

Step No. 4: Clarify. Wayshak says most reps miss this step. They hear a objection like, “Your price is too high,” and they immediately start justifying, explaining and defending, without digging deeper to understand what prompted the objection. Instead, after you pause and soften, you want to clarify. Ask, “Help me understand—what prompted you to say that?” Once you’re given that response, go deeper. Say, “I see. Tell me a little bit more about that…” or “Unpack that for me…”

Step No. 5: Address. According to Wayshak, after you pause, soften, and clarify, it’s time to address. Start by simply getting their permission to throw some ideas out there. Say something like, “Would it be okay if I just threw a couple of ideas at you?” And they’re almost always going to say yes. This is where you can start to address the objection by sharing ideas on how you might be able to pull out some pieces to lower the price. If it’s really about price, then you’re going to have to ultimately get down to wherever they need to be, says Wayshak.

Sales objections might leave you feeling deflated but remember they’re not the end of the story. Sales objections are just that—objections. The more you can prevent and resolve these objections, the more likely you are to build a reputation for understanding your clients’ needs.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers

Source: Marc Wayshak is the founder of Sales Strategy Academy, best-selling author of Game Plan Selling, and a regular contributor for Fast Company, Entrepreneur and The Huffington Post Business section.