Does it seem like things always fall into place for other sales reps? Maybe they crush their quotas every time, or maybe they’re booking meeting after meeting. They’re probably not succeeding by pure blind luck. Their success is likely due to purposeful behavior and maximized opportunities. The great thing about luck is that you can create your own good fortune—no pot of gold or leprechauns required.
Andy Paul, a bestselling author and sales leader, has found that he tends to experience good luck when he puts himself in situations where he can succeed. He stays open to new experiences and trusts his gut. Want to follow his lead and bring more luck into your life? Read on. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we discuss Paul’s thoughts on five ways you can increase your luck.
1. Watch for opportunities. A lot of luck comes down to preparation. For lucky things to happen, you have to be ready to act when unexpected opportunities arise. In a sales context, this means mastering your relationship skills and working to truly understand your clients’ businesses, Paul says. By sharpening your business acumen, you can more easily spot opportunities.
2. Stop saying “I can’t.” Remember that lucks seldom hits a stationary target, Paul says. If something doesn’t work out, try something different. Don’t be afraid to experiment. There’s a lesson inside every failed strategy or approach. Instead of saying “I can’t,” replace it with, “I haven’t yet, but I will.”
3. Mix things up. Creating your own luck in sales requires trying different things. If you keep going through the same motions, you’ll get the same results. Paul suggests examining your routine, sales process and discovery questions and then pressing reset. Think about what you could adjust. Simply trying new things is a great way to expand your opportunities and bring more luck into your life.
4. Be bold. Experimenting is good, but radical changes are often where the opportunities exist, Paul says. Whether you try something totally innovative with your outreach or you give an internal process a complete overhaul, these bold adjustments may pave the way for more luck.
5. Be consistent. One-off efforts won’t do much to increase your luck. Instead, be intentional with putting yourself in situations where you have the opportunity to succeed. Join the professional organization, make the extra call, volunteer for the position. Always give more than you take, Paul says.
Luck won’t happen if you’re not open to it. Give yourself opportunities for luck to find you. Hone your sales skills and learn new ones. There are many things you can do to make the dice roll in your favor.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Andy Paul is a bestselling author, sales leader, speaker and consultant. He has been featured on LinkedIn’s list of the Top 50 Global Sales Experts to follow.