If you’re running a small promo company, giving back might not be at the top of your priority list. However, even when you’re experiencing growing pains or just looking for ways to expand, giving can often be the first step in getting closer to your goals. One study shows that 85% of consumers have a more positive image of a company that gives to charity, and 90% want to know how companies support charitable causes.

A post on the Santander Business First blog points out that small businesses stand to benefit big by prioritizing philanthropy. Not only can giving back enhance your current client relationships, but it can boost your company’s overall image. Getting involved in philanthropic efforts can also help your company attract and retain top talent.

Wondering how your small business can contribute in meaningful ways? Keep reading this issue of PromoPro Daily, where we highlight a few ideas from the Santander post.

  1. Make monetary donations. You might choose to donate funds directly to organizations that matter to you or causes that you support. The Santander post says you might set dollar amounts or a percentage of sales, and you could organize donations as a one-time event or give on a regular timeline.
  2. Sponsor a local program. Look within your own community to see how you might be able to help. Could your promo company provide T-shirts for a local 5K or give branded items at high school football games? You’ll be supporting the community while getting your company’s name out there.
  3. Host a charity drive. The Santander post says your business could also host a collection drive for charitable organizations. Whether you choose a food pantry, an animal shelter or another nonprofit, this could be a fun way to show what matters to your company while making a difference.
  4. Volunteer. Make philanthropy part of your culture by encouraging your team to volunteer regularly. Some ideas include mentoring youth, helping stock items at a food pantry or visiting residents at a senior center. Hosting these kinds of events can help your team members feel connected to each other and your company’s mission.

It’s good to give back, and doing so can create many positive ripple effects. Whether you support community charities, contribute to PPEF or sponsor local schools or organizations, when you work in the promo industry, you have abundant options to make a difference.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers 

Source: Santander’s Business First blog. Santander is a global bank that serves more than 100 million customers.