As a promo pro, you know the importance of connecting with people. You want to be relatable without oversharing, and you want to be authentic while still being professional. It can be a hard balance to strike, but it’s essential, whether you’re chatting with a client or a co-worker.

Karin Hurt, the CEO and founder of Let’s Grow Leaders, says it’s possible to be authentic and relatable at work without being totally unfiltered. You just have to be real in a way that helps you connect and contribute, she says.

In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share Hurt’s guidance on how you can be authentic at work without overdoing it.  

Consider your range on authenticity. You don’t need to reveal every little thing about yourself to be authentic. The key is to understand what feels true to you but fits within the context of your situation. In other words, where’s the line between being yourself and being effective? Hurt says you should think about your values and boundaries.

Focus on what you bring to the table. Hurt recommends asking yourself, “What’s the most unique, important contribution I can make right now?” Whether it’s a calm presence in a frenzied meeting or a fresh perspective to a long-running challenge, you can offer something valuable just by being yourself. When you lean into your unique strengths, Hurt says you show up authentically and with purpose.

Ask for feedback. Want to know if you’re being authentic in different situations? Ask those around you. Hurt suggests asking, “Do you feel like I’m showing up authentically in this situation? Why or why not?” She says you might gain some helpful insights that can help you show up better for your team. Use what you learn to fine-tune how you navigate your work relationships.

Pace yourself. You can’t force authenticity. If you overshare right from the start, Hurt says it’s less like authentic connection and more like emotional whiplash. Instead of putting it all out there at once, pace yourself and build trust by being genuinely interested in other people’s perspectives.

Aim to show up as your real self, but in a way that feels comfortable for your team and clients. Be genuine and adapt to the situation. This helps you build trust, connect better and ultimately form more meaningful relationships.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Karin Hurt is the CEO and founder of Let’s Grow Leaders, a global, human-centered leadership development company. She has been named on Inc.’s list of 100 Great Leadership Speakers.