Happy New Year! PromoPro Daily is kicking off 2025 with fresh insights into sales, marketing, productivity and more — get ready for daily inspiration to level up your promo game!

Emotional intelligence, or EQ for short, is a valuable soft skill for all professionals, including promo pros. When sales reps have a high EQ, they can better understand and relate to prospects. This allows them to anticipate objections, navigate difficult conversations and genuinely connect with people.

A post on the Predictable Revenue blog explains that emotional intelligence is just as important as traditional sales skills. And, fortunately, EQ is something that can be honed through practice and guidance.

In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share the Predictable Revenue post that explains how to develop EQ within your sales team.

Hire high-EQ leaders. Whether you promote from within or bring in outside talent, look for people who model empathy, self-regulation and effective communication. The post says this ensures your team has strong role models who can guide them through challenging sales situations. Emotionally intelligent leaders will also create a positive work culture and inspire the whole team to perform at their best.

Provide consistent feedback. This is key to improvement, according to the post. Sales reps need to understand how they’re growing in soft skills like active listening and emotional regulation. In your conversations, address specific challenges, like improving communication skills during cold calls or handling objections.

Offer EQ training. EQ needs to be taught, the post says, so provide training programs that focus on topics like self-awareness and empathy. When content focuses on these topics, your sales reps will learn how to communicate better and use more effective sales techniques. In the long run, this leads to stronger client relationships because they feel understood and valued.

Encourage self-reflection. This is helpful because the more sales reps understand their own emotions, the better they can read prospect cues. They’ll know how to adjust their communication style to help prospects and clients feel more supported. Regular self-reflection also enhances reps’ confidence and helps them stay calm in any situation.

Boosting your team’s emotional intelligence begins with you. Lead by example by showing self-awareness and empathy and recognize when your staff members show emotional intelligence. Cultivating EQ in your employees helps them grow, leading to a stronger team overall.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: A blog post from Predictable Revenue, a sales development training company that helps B2B companies create repeatable, scalable and predictable revenue.