Preparing for a sales call could take days or weeks. It includes research and qualification, and then creating a tailored presentation. Today’s promo buyers don’t want a generic sales pitch – they want to know you understand their needs and goals and can present a unique solution specifically for them.
Once you get on a sales call, Jeffrey Steen, the editor at Salesblazer, says you should intrigue your prospect right out of the gate. Then, confirm the prospect’s challenge and be clear with your ask.
What are some other ways to succeed on these calls? Read on. In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we highlight some of Steen’s top tips for making a successful sales call.
Record and listen to sales calls. This can open the door to valuable coaching opportunities. Steen recommends reviewing calls and looking for objections you may have missed or insights you could have added.
Be friendly, but don’t overdo it. Kick things off with some light chitchat, but don’t get too chummy. Prospects can see right through it. Keep the greeting to a few minutes and then move on, Steen says.
Ask about any changes. To be sure you’re not wasting your carefully prepared pitch on a prospect whose needs have shifted, Steen suggests prefacing your agenda-setting with a simple question: “Has anything changed since the last time we talked?” This lets you adjust your talking points to meet their needs in the moment.
Set expectations. The next step is to outline the call’s agenda. This may change slightly as the call progresses, Steen says, but it’s important to set expectations so the prospect is not caught unaware.
Restate pain points. According to Steen, this shows that you’re listening. You’re putting their needs front and center, which sets the stage for presenting your solution.
Highlight the value. Don’t tout a promo’s features or logo options – instead use language that conveys value and problem-solving. Steen recommends being specific about how you can take away their pain while also improving their satisfaction.
Explain your unique differentiator. Your prospect might be talking to one or several other promo companies. Make sure you can articulate what makes you different from your competitors.
Speak positively. It matters what words you use. For example, Steen says instead of using terms like “payment,” which implies debt, use a word like “investment,” which implies ownership and opportunity. He adds that other positive words like “benefit” and “easy” are also effective ways to get buy-in on sales calls.
Ask questions to respond to objections. Don’t get defensive but work on understanding the objection. By asking questions, you can understand where the prospect’s concerns are coming from.
While there’s no magic formula for a perfect sales call, you can follow a few best practices to move things closer to a sale. Consider the points above to make the most of every call.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Jeffrey Steen is the editor at Salesblazer.