Forced labor and potential human rights violations in the supply chain remain a legitimate concern for businesses. PPAI’s upcoming Virtual Product Responsibility Summit, September 14-18, will explore this important issue along with a diverse range of other pressing business implications, challenges and opportunities associated with compliance.
In the session “Human Rights & Potential Forced Labor in the Supply Chain,” from 12:45 – 1:45 pm CT on September 17, Nury Turkel, a commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, and Sharon Waxman, CEO, Fair Labor Association, will discuss this important issue as well as the practical implications of cotton imported from the Xinjiang region of China. What happens internally in China could cause an impact beyond China’s borders, and it is critical that companies are aware of risks in the supply chain. The session will conclude with an opportunity for audience members to ask their own questions of the panelists.
For more information on the Virtual Product Responsibility Summit and to register, click here.