This is the 10th installment in a year-long series of department profiles to help readers learn more about the PPAI staff members who serve them.
PPAI’s human resources team supports the Association and its staff in their work to serve and support the promotional products industry and the companies and professionals within it. The team has myriad responsibilities, which include employee recruitment and retention, serving as a payroll advisor, and administering the PTO and performance review programs. It also oversees benefits management, staff engagement initiatives and professional development and tuition reimbursement, and serves as a repository for employee policies and procedures.
Cristina Landeros
Executive/Human Resources Assistant
“I am planning my wedding for 2021, which is exciting! When I am not working, I love going through Pinterest to find great ideas.”
Doris Sweely, SHRM-CP
Human Resources Manager
“I’m all about new experiences, no matter how small. Zip-lining and a cruise to anywhere are currently on the top of my list.”
James Khattak is news editor of PPB.