When the office of the San Francisco District Attorney needed promotional products for a special community outreach project last year, it chose a trusted distributor who had been doing business with the city for over three decades: Linda Kittlitz, owner of Linda Kittlitz & Associates.
- The DA’s Victim Services Division assists victims of a crime who are looking to get back on their feet during criminal prosecution and after a verdict has been reached.
- However, not many people know this department exists.
To get the word out, members of the division often attend parades and community events. However, a business card or flyer isn’t enough to engage people and connect them to the cause.
That’s where Kittlitz comes in.
Promotional Products Work!
The division requested four items with its logo on them to give away to the community:
- Flashlights
- Stress balls
- Whistles
- Shopping bags
“They said the items were used for outreach engagements when they talk to people at their walks, parades and other opportunities, so they chose the items based on popularity and usefulness,” Kittlitz says.

Linda Kittlitz
Owner, Linda Kittlitz & Associates
“These are people that when they’re out in the streets, they may need a whistle to protect themselves, and everybody can use a shopping bag when they’re going to buy groceries. Everybody can use a stress ball here and there, and, of course, late at night, you might need the flashlight when you’re walking along the streets here.”
After these outreach events, the DA’s office noticed more people were made aware of its Victim Services Division, thanks, in part, to the promotional products that Kittlitz’s company, which will be celebrating 35 years of business in June, provided. More people were calling in requesting assistance, and the office was pleased with these results, Kittlitz says.
LEAD 2025
Kittlitz will be attending PPAI’s Legislative Education and Action Day for the first time this year.
- She’s on the board of the Promotional Marketing Association of Northern California (PMANC) and will be representing her organization.
During LEAD 2025, held on April 7-8, PPAI members and staff will meet with members of Congress and their staff on Capitol Hill to discuss pending legislation and issues relevant to the promotional products industry.
“LEAD offers an important opportunity each year to advocate for our industry through direct conversations with members of Congress and their staffers on Capitol Hill,” says Rachel Zoch, public affairs and research editor for PPAI. “This year, we are especially excited to be working with Thorn Run Partners, our eyes and ears in Washington. With their guidance, we’re hoping it will be an especially impactful event.”
Learn more about PPAI Public Affairs here.
For questions or suggestions on regulatory or government affairs issues, please contact Rachel Zoch at RachelZ@ppai.org.