More than 1,150 of the promotional products industry’s most well-respected companies have adopted the PPAI Code of Conduct, the tangible presentation of what they are doing to meet the expectations of end buyers for product safety, social and environmental assurances.
The PPAI Code of Conduct is a statement of principles that a supplier can share with a distributor and a distributor can share with an end buyer. Many end buyers, particularly larger businesses, have already adopted their own code of conduct. There is no specific law that requires a code of conduct, but many of them draw from working conditions standards that have been put forth by various international entities, government as well as non-governmental.
PPAI encourages its members to adopt the code in response to increased regulations and scrutiny of the consumer products market. It’s an effective way for industry companies to publicly demonstrate their commitment to responsible business practices. Also, end buyers who have already adopted their own codes of conduct often look for their business partners to adopt a code of conduct as well.