You’ve visited hundreds of trade-show booths and had probably thousands of conversations, but today is the final day to finish up your to-do list at The PPAI Expo. Despite the miles you’ve walked and the hundreds of hands you’ve shaken, all in all you can say you are almost across the finish line. But are you really done yet? Promotional Consultant Today shares these wrap-up tips to ensure you get the most mileage— and ROI— from your trade-show experience.
Get organized. Take some time before you head home to organize the information you’ve gathered. If you have picked up flyers or business cards for co-workers back at the office, sort them into envelopes and address them to the relevant person. If the information is for you, sort it by priority, affixing sticky notes to jog your memory after you’ve returned from the show.
Determine your favorites. Take a moment after the show to make note of any booths that you thought were particularly effective. What did those exhibitors do that you could implement in your own company’s marketing campaign?
Take a step back. Once again, timing is key. Take the time to evaluate the potential partnerships you built at the trade show. Think about how the suppliers you visited can help you with solutions before making any decisions. Take into account the products, availability, pricing, support, sales tools and more.
Read post-show literature. Trade shows can be overwhelming. One way to make sure you didn’t miss anything is to read the blogs, case studies and other content presented by the exhibitors.
Follow up. Be sure to follow up with new contacts and vendors as soon as possible after the show. If you requested samples or catalogs to be mailed to you, make sure you receive them. Having a clear plan of action will ensure that the time you spent at the show was a worthwhile investment.
Incorporate what you learned. Review your notes from education sessions and keynote presentations. What were the two to three primary takeaways from each session? What can you implement today? What can you focus on for future goals? Create a timeline and action plan for incorporating this knowledge into your business.
Call your customers. Do you know that feeling of excitement you get when you attend a trade show? It’s that momentum that comes from a shared experience with your peers. You’re excited about the products you are seeing and imagining how your clients will react to them. You get recharged and passionate about your industry. Don’t lose that industry “high” when you return home. Instead, reach out to your customers right away. Set up a time to give them a review of what you discovered at the trade show that is of specific value for their programs. Most of all, allow your customers to see and experience your passion for your business.
Source: Cassandra Johnson is a tech-savvy marketing communications consultant and freelance writer. She reports on the latest trends in the promotional products industry, public relations, direct marketing, e-marketing and more. She supports clients in a variety of industries, including promotional products, hospitality, financial services and technology.