
This month PPAI recognizes Rebecca Mclaughlin, CAS, operations manager at Erie, Pennsylvania supplier CPSThe Keystone Line and president of the Regional Association Council (RAC), as the October PPB Volunteer of the Month. The PPB Volunteer of the Month celebrates individuals who have dedicated their time to the progress of and fulfilling the charge of a committee, advisory group, work group or task force on which they serve.

“Rebecca has been instrumental in driving the move of the RAC Delegate Assembly from the PPAI Expo to the RAC Leadership Development Workshop,” says Mclaughlin’s nominator, Melissa Weber, PPAI regional relations manager and staff liaison to the RAC Board.

“Through her leadership, the RAC Board launched work groups comprised of RAC Delegates to address the four major pain points identified in the 2014 RAC Benchmarking Study—membership recruitment and retention, volunteer leadership development, alternative revenue channels and declining tradeshows. Each group met electronically and via conference call to brainstorm on solutions and share best practices that could be implemented by the regional association community.”

Weber adds, “Moving the RAC Delegate Assembly to LDW allowed delegates the opportunity to participate in work groups throughout the year and ensure a consistent flow of communication between the regional association community, RAC and PPAI.”

The RAC Leadership Development Workshop focuses on developing future regional leaders and enhancing relationships between the regional nonprofit associations in the promotional products industry. This annual event provides regional association leaders with comprehensive training and networking opportunities, and the peer-to-peer interaction fosters and enhances relationships among all the regional associations. Next year’s RAC LDW  will be held October 17-20, 2016.

PPAI is looking for the next PPB Volunteer of the Month. Candidates should possess these qualifications:

  • Current member of a committee, task force or advisory group
  • Demonstrates an exemplary level of volunteer contribution
  • Sets a positive examples to others
  • Constructive and positive contributor to volunteer activities
  • Good collaborator
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the topics and work
  • Positive group influencer

Nominations may be submitted by current members of a committee, advisory group, work group or task force, as well as by PPAI board members or current PPAI staff. Those selected for inclusion as PPB Volunteer of the Month will be announced and featured in PPB Newslink as well as the quarterly Volunteer Newsletter.

Nominations open the first of each month and close on the 15th. To nominate a current volunteer, complete the nomination form here.