Have you been burning the candle at both ends? Give yourself permission to take a break this weekend. Getting rest—and the right kind of rest—can help you live a happier, healthier and more productive life. There’s more to rest than simply kicking up your feet and relaxing. Deanna deBara, a freelance writer and content strategist, says there are seven types of rest that people need to feel their best.
In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we discuss deBara’s thoughts on how to get the right type of rest so you can infuse more energy into your workday.
The Seven Types Of Rest
1. Physical rest. This is the kind of rest that most people immediately envision. While getting some extra asleep is beneficial, you could also do anything that restores the body, such as attending a yoga class or getting a massage.
2. Mental rest. This type of rest is about giving your brain a break. People need mental rest when they’re overwhelmed and struggle to shut off their thoughts, says deBara. You can get this kind of rest by simply stepping away from your phone or laptop during a busy day to take a walk.
3. Emotional rest. The third type of rest you need to work your best is emotional rest. This is about being authentic and honest with your feelings, says deBara. If you’re in constant people-pleasing mode with your clients or colleagues, take time for emotional rest by declining a meeting or asking for more time on a project.
4. Social rest. Whether you are back at the office or working from home, you could benefit from social rest by taking a short break from socialization. Or, you could seek out conversations with people who energize you. The idea is to take a break from people who leave you feeling drained and exhausted, says deBara.
5. Sensory rest. Sensory rest is about giving your senses a break. According to deBara, people need sensory rest when they overwhelm their senses with constant stimuli, such as spending the entire day glued to computer, phone and TV screens.
6. Creative rest. Sales professionals are imaginative, always envisioning how they can help their clients achieve their goals. It helps, though, to give yourself creative rest. If you’re feeling stuck, uninspired or unable to develop new ideas or solutions to problems, allow yourself to experience the world without needing to create something yourself.
7. Spiritual rest. Spiritual rest is about connecting with something larger than yourself, says deBara. People need spiritual rest when they find themselves so caught up in their own deadlines and worries that they can’t see or connect with the bigger picture.
How To Get The Rest
You use all types of energy in your workday and life in general, but you probably feel most depleted in one or two areas. To get the right type of rest, consider where you might have a rest deficit. For example, if your brain just feels tired from jumping from one project to the next, you could probably benefit from a mental rest. If you continually yawn or find it hard to tune in at meetings, you may need physical rest.
A good idea to get the rest you need is to schedule restorative activities into your day, says deBara. This could mean going on a hike or taking a break from screens and devices for a day. When you take time to replenish yourself, you end up feeling more rested and more productive.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Deanna deBara is a freelance writer and content strategist who contributes to the Trello blog.