When it comes to merging two organizations, not only must the products and operations merge but the brands must merge as well. Some companies, like FedEx and Kinkos, choose to transition the brand—in this case FedExOffice. Others choose to go with a completely new name altogether, such as the xpedx-Unisource merger in which the brand was renamed Veritiv.

Branding firm Siegel+Gale points out that the process of merging brands doesn’t happen overnight. It is a transitional process that must be strategically thought out in order not to lose brand equity or market value. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share Siegel+Gale’s six tips for merging brands properly.

1. Establish a cross-functional team of three to five staff from business, marketing and branding departments who will oversee the migration for 12 months.

2. Define the synergies between the two brands and the ways each brand creates real value for customers. Don’t just put the two brands together into something new and start advertising.

3. Create a brand migration plan that outlines exactly what role each brand will play over the next 12 to 24 months, and how each will deliver value for customers. What exactly will each brand bring to the equation? Which employees will represent which brand? Include metrics to measure the effectiveness of the migration.

4. Develop a name, logo, endorsement strategy and story for the new entity. This includes how the brands will be related in both print and digital communications materials.

5. Communicate. Make sure that both internal stakeholders and customers understand the role that each brand plays.

6. Manage the brand transition over time. Be prepared to evolve the identity as the relationship between the two brands shifts.

There are times when it makes sense to maintain two separate brands, so don’t ignore this option. It depends on the strength of the brand value and any risk in losing customers and significant market share if the brand changes.

Proper brand migration requires the right people, planning, investment, measurement and commitment. Take time to evaluate and plan your brand transition strategy.

Source: Siegel+Gale is a global brand strategy, design and experience firm. Using facts, intuition and creativity, it blends science with art, unlocking the power of simplicity to help organizations realize their full potential.