Many salespeople have learned to identify the tire kickers — those people who are never really serious about buying your product or service. They may continually ask for free samples or trials, or they may waver on their budget. Sometimes, tire kickers simply don’t know what they want and end up wasting everyone’s time in the process.
But what about the prospects on the other end of the spectrum — the highly qualified buyers who are ready to close the deal? How do you spot them? According to sales expert Marc Wayshak, you can watch for the signs that a prospect is going to purchase.
We share his insight in this issue of Promotional Consultant Today.
They share real challenges you can solve. This is one of the most important signals, according to Wayshak, because it indicates a solid fit. It also indicates trust, as the prospect has opened up to you.
They’re not complacent. If you hear something like, “Let me think on this,” or “The timing just isn’t great right now,” you’re probably talking to someone who isn’t close to buying. But, if the prospect’s objections lack complacency and they are mulling over the finer points, consider it a sign that they may be ready to buy.
They ask solid questions. Good questions show intent, Wayshak says. It’s a good sign when prospective buyers engage with you and think through questions that might arise when they begin working with you or purchase your offering.
They agree on next steps. A signed contract might be in your future if the prospect is consistently willing to move forward with next steps. Wayshak recommends paying attention to how your prospects react when you try to get them on the calendar for the next meeting. He says this can be a powerful buying signal that tells you whether they see value in spending more time with you.
They follow your lead. Some prospective buyers avoid answering your questions or don’t want to go along with your process. These buyers aren’t likely to buy anytime soon. On the flip side, prospects who let you take them through the process and follow your lead may be close to buying. They trust you and respect you to go in the direction you are taking them.
They did their homework. Consider it a good sign when your prospects know who you are and what you do, Wayshak says. This may mean looking you up on LinkedIn or doing some research on your company before meeting with you. On the other side of the coin, if prospects don’t know you or what you can potentially do for them, they’re probably not serious buyers.
They’re committed to finding a solution. When a prospect is personally driven to solve a challenge, then you know you’re looking at a good sales buying signal, Wayshak says. For example, if your prospect says, “We haven’t been getting enough leads, and I fear we may have to let some people go soon. I’m really worried about that.” A statement like this shows a personal investment in finding a solution.
While you can never know for certain that a prospect is going to buy from you, it can help to understand the buying signals above. Whether the prospect comes prepared with serious questions or they’re forthcoming about their challenges, there are many signs that someone is going to purchase. Stay alert when you’re meeting with prospects so you don’t miss any of these important signals.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Marc Wayshak is a sales strategist, keynote speaker and the best-selling author of three books on sales and leadership.