At some point, everyone complains at work. It’s only human. However, when complaining becomes the most common way to communicate in the workplace, it’s important to redirect that negative energy. Bestselling author and keynote speaker Steve Farber recalls when he heard news anchors discussing whether or not to go on a “complaint cleanse.” They were inspired after seeing a social media post from a poet that read, “Complaints have no magic. They don’t make anyone’s day better and they don’t help any situation.”

This got Farber thinking. While it’s easy find fault with and place blame on others, complaining is a bad habit that doesn’t lead to any positive outcome. Instead of complaining, he invites leaders and sales professionals to go on a “complaint cleanse” along with him. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share Farber’s thoughts on how to cleanse complaints out of your life and start fresh.

1. Get your attitude as clean and uncluttered as you want your house to be. Farber knows that he can be a complainer sometimes and owns up to it. When he stops to analyze why, he realizes that it’s usually because he feels powerless in a given situation. Farber advises leaders to be a little empathetic toward people they have power or control over, such as children or entry-level employees. Are they complaining because they’re mean tempered, or because they need a little more decision-making power over their lives? To paraphrase tidying expert Marie Kondo, look at your attitude, and if it doesn’t bring other people joy, toss it in the trash and clean house.

2. Remember what the good stuff is and encourage it in others. To stay mindful of what’s good in your life, Farber suggests keeping a gratitude journal. At the very least, you could pay extra special attention and take note of what people around you are doing right. Think about what you appreciate about your employees, colleagues and vendors. Then consider your personal life. What do you value about your spouse, children, pets and friends? Farber reminds leaders to also note what they have personally achieved, dreamed and tried that they should be proud of. Put those assets to work and give those people a challenge or an opportunity. Knowing you believe in them, as a parent, colleague, friend or employer could help them close the distance between great and even greater heights.

3. Stop giving your problems all the power. Rather than simmering under the constant heat of imperfections, hold reverse grudges. When a complaint wafts up toward your lips, bite it back and think about how to say something affirmative instead.

You’ll experience situations in life that irritate you or upset you. Rather than always falling back on the bad habit of complaining, be sure to empty the cache every now and then with a complaint cleanse.

Source: Steve Farber, a renowned leadership keynote speaker, is the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, an organization devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in business, nonprofits and education.